
Devilman Lady: Devilman Lady - Who I'm I?

Go Nagai, Devilman Lady, Fudo Jun, Vector Art
Go Nagai Mangaka Devilman Lady Series Fudo Jun Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

New vector this time of Fudou Jun, tormented heroine from the Devilman Lady anime/manga series. Decided to do this one since there wasn't many pictures of this series available and the original source of this picture was pixelated. Also first time I did a vector with two character in the same picture :D .

Used Adobe Illustrator for vector, PS for cropping and saving.
Layers: 27 + Over a 100 paths

No other submissions


  1. xcf33 Aug 23, 2005

    Ahh i might take up vectors sometimes myself hey could u give me some recommandations for tut and stuff if u would kindly??? (p.m. me)

    I personally love to get into vector just because it's usefulness and style I think u done an amazing job on this one a lot people dont realize the much work put in vectorize stuff so great work indeed. Fav for me


  2. LilLaoRyo704 Aug 23, 2005

    Quote by xcf33Ahh i might take up vectors sometimes myself hey could u give me some
    recommandations for tut and stuff if u would kindly??? (p.m. me)
    I personally love to get into vector just because it's usefulness and
    style I think u done an amazing job on this one a lot people dont
    realize the much work put in vectorize stuff so great work indeed. Fav
    for me

    great vector, its nice, i like the way that guy is looking at the girl, great job. XD

  3. s9031496c Banned Member Aug 23, 2005

    I love the guy's eyes! The whole scan is of very high quality! Keep it up

  4. Cagari Aug 24, 2005

    +100 paths??! It just seems like it took you a very very long time!!!! Great work on the scan...I really like it!!!!

  5. darkfighter Oct 20, 2005

    MAD awesome!!!

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