It's quite nice, i don't know exactly what you've done but i know the picture that this Alucard comes from and you've created a good background i think :)
1280x1024 Wallpaper
Wallpaper based on Alucard from Castlevania series.
Browse Castlevania Gallery: Recent | Popular.
It's quite nice, i don't know exactly what you've done but i know the picture that this Alucard comes from and you've created a good background i think :)
its sooo blurry, did u made this
blurry indeed @_@
and I personally hate the white border @_@
I like really like the concept but the blurriness and white border really take away from it.
Yeah, the white border is really distracting, makes me not look so much at the pic, but to keep glancing at the whiteness
This is very very
The Quality is not the best, but nevertheless is ist awesome.
this artwork seems to be very popular. i used it too ^_^'
really good! but there's so much blur in the img!
that's a really awesome wall, but its a bit blurry and the white border should be removed....
YAY! Alucard is so freakin cool. And I have SotN and it is a most excellent game.
COOl picture, dude.
I feel that the bluriness is what makes it look like it is in motion,so to me it is very well made. I do like the game as well as this pic. Great job! :D
GORGEOUS! thanky A LOT for sharing!
greath scans :D ........ X3
great wall, thanks for sharing
*.* alucard!
tengo que terminar el simphony of the night
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