
To Heart 2 Wallpaper: Imagine - A world full of magic*

AQUAPLUS, To Heart 2, Lucy Maria Misora Wallpaper
AQUAPLUS Studio To Heart 2 Series,Visual Novel Lucy Maria Misora Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I M A G I N E - A world full of magic*

it has been a while hasn`t it? -_-
well. i did this wall before..and imagine that. the power went out. yep. all my work was erased. sucks doesn`t it? you bet it does. yeah then i got pissed and i didn`t wall for about a 3 weeks. nothing. didn`t even touch photoshop.
ok well when i did get back to it..it turned out better than the origonal anyways.
so it`s all good. right? ne? ne?

kay.well. this wall has tons and bunches of effects. it had a bit more. but it was to cramped. so i had to take a break on those.
uh..tons of filters...effects/filters..same thing. whatever.

i think i went through 4 scans...so i extracted them all...and..yeah that took alot of my time.

the time...if you must know. i worked on it about a day each week of this month...whitch seems so long for me. because i really am used to making alot of wallpapers.

that`s about it. i hope everyone has some advice for me<33

program- adobe elements 3.0
layers- 40+
time-told you
date finished-august 21st/sunday
place: roomie
mood: very gooddd! <33
with: water.
music-unknown-free [it`s froma video game?]

comments/favs/advice very apriciated.<33
enjoy. mimo~~


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  1. OtakuHanzo Aug 22, 2005

    Absolutely gorgeous! Very well done, I must say. =) I still say New Birth is your best though. That wallpaper rocks! ;)

  2. trinigirl524 Aug 22, 2005

    wow very stunning wallpaper
    the effects in this wall are amazing
    and good colors, has a soft feel to it.
    wonderful job ^^

  3. rmuyo Aug 22, 2005

    Very beautiful wallpaper, the girl is gorgeous. the wonderful mix of colors in the background is awesome. The Sakura petals in the air are a very nice touch along with what looks like a castle just barely visible hidden in the clouds. Excellent job.

  4. hikarinotenshi Aug 22, 2005

    imagine a world full of magic....O_O that would b so cool XD XD XD

  5. lilm Aug 22, 2005

    wow u been making alot of wallpapers and every new wallpaper u make it looks exellent ^^
    i really enjoy ur wallpapers soooooo muchies and hope they keep on comming
    wish i can make great wallpapers lik u =D

  6. kajimamidori Aug 22, 2005

    well I gotta say this wallpaper is great ^^ but the colors are all different here and there it's not that big a deal but that's just how I feel :) and you used a lot of effects here but the girl is kinda strange~~ but overall nice wallpaper XD

  7. bbls Aug 22, 2005

    there's alot going on in your wallie, but that's because you're trying to convey a magical feeling? in that case, the concept is a nice one with the shooting stars/comets and the dark sky, which contrasts with the light colors and white surrounding the girl. very pretty wallie! :D

  8. misoup Aug 22, 2005

    this wall is great :) i just think the fog/clouds make it a little bit too cluttered, but thats just me XP. also, i don't know if this is true, but i can see rectangular boxes of stars around the comets in the background, which makes it look strange, because there are stars only around the comets and not anywhere else

  9. Ephemeral-Garden Aug 22, 2005

    Wow... too bright for my taste. Really kinda magical, but too bright. But still a very wonderfully done wallie!! You're getting good at this! ^^ Keep up your great work!

  10. hatsukanezumi Aug 22, 2005

    Wow!!!! I'm so happy to see you're next work ^______^ And it's great as always ^____^

  11. AnimeGoddess Aug 22, 2005

    great WALL mimo! And i think the title definitly fits this wallpaper, Great job! ure getting better in every wall that u make! +fave!!

  12. Yina Aug 22, 2005

    The theme is kinda cliched.. and the building where the girl is sitting looks a bit strange.. but overall great atmosphere ^__^

  13. MagicianFairy Aug 23, 2005

    what a nice wall!!
    the scan is nice
    the bg is beautiful!!


  14. sukie Aug 23, 2005

    this looks sooo cute!! i love the hair of that girl... LOL
    anyways the bg soo rule!! everything looks sooo nice together!!
    keep it up!!

  15. swordmaster Banned Member Aug 28, 2005

    excellent wall, nice background.....
    keep on te good work
    hopin a better work from u............ :)

  16. jetcaracer Aug 29, 2005

    this is very cute and has a soft seat 2 :) nice combo of colors with white close up and black farther down

  17. Aeris87 Banned Member Aug 29, 2005

    its a beautiful and cute image the effects are really awesome.... Congratulations you have an exquisit tast the girl are really wonderful

  18. Athrun Aug 29, 2005

    Yowzas. :o

    Lots of pretty effects into it. :} Very magical indeed.

    Ano... where's your signature in it?

  19. syk0aznguy Oct 21, 2005

    cool character and background

  20. black1111 Banned Member Nov 17, 2005

    Nice ;)

  21. ninja123 Sep 30, 2006

    again with the magical atmosphere! no, more like intergalactic or somethin'! ^_^

  22. panzerfin Sep 21, 2007


  23. lovesweetness16 Jan 19, 2009

    i luv it! thanks for posting :nya:

  24. EternalEthelion Jul 16, 2009

    poor girl lost in her own world

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