
Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpaper: A Blue Rei

Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Rei Ayanami Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

okayyy well this is my very first wallie........and my first time ever using photoshop and so im really really new at this wallpaper buisness OX!but anywayz i worked really hard on this wallie and athough it's very plain i do hope you all enjoy ^_^

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  1. Maruko87 Aug 21, 2005

    nice choice
    rei ayanami is very quiet ,sexy
    is good you walll
    add favs :D

  2. Rikimaru-jp Aug 21, 2005

    Very nice indeed! I like the colors and the effects on the background! they suits with the character alot! and Rei looks really good in this pose! you did a good job for a first wallie ;)
    but lemme give you some avices that you should change your text font to fits the wallie better!
    and try working more on the extraction of the character and try not to leave the edges sharp!
    and I think also that the background is kinda sharp too and noisy in some spots! maybe you should try to blur it and see what you get!
    but it's nice for a first project ;)
    keep it up!
    and here's a favorite just as a encourgement for your next work so I won't be easy next time XP

  3. Emeraude Aug 21, 2005

    I like the colors that you used
    You've done a very good work, it is really fantastic.
    Congratulations!!! :) :) :)

  4. notdante Aug 21, 2005

    i think its really neat. Good job!!!! *big thumbs up* (and maybe big toes too)

  5. AngelKate Aug 21, 2005

    That's pretty good for a first wallie. ^_^ The background is really cool. The only thing I don't like is the font, it just doesn't seem to fit. Everything else looks really nice though. ^_^ Keep practicing!

  6. gokuismylife Aug 21, 2005

    Ooh pretty. I like the colors. ^^ Blue is my fav. Blue and black and purple, omgsh.. XD

  7. THE-DARK-PRINCE Aug 21, 2005

    Very nice background Itami-Chan...
    And congratulation for your first wallpaper...
    I'm sure u will be better next time...
    So, keep it up...

    :) :D :) :D

  8. Spystreak Retired Moderator Aug 21, 2005

    Cool scan choice spot on with that background. I really like the ray of light in an arch behind her. Really adds a nice touch to the wall

  9. animefairy Aug 22, 2005

    I love it, Itami-Chan! Rei is my fav character as you can tell!
    You are pretty good for a beginner!
    I don't know how to make a wall yet!! :(
    i am gonna add this to my favs! ^.^

  10. ayane-heine Aug 22, 2005

    this wallie is pretty since it is your first wallie.. :D
    good job oh Itami-chan..
    hmm.. those texts didnt bring out that wallie..
    but i know i will see more fantastic wallie from you..

  11. zieg214 Aug 22, 2005

    nice wall.. the color is superb!!
    a must hava rei ayanami wallpaper...
    the black & blue really matched.. :nya: :nya:

  12. bevy-chan Aug 22, 2005

    really nice wallpaper!!! I have to put favs on this one! I also wanted to say thanks for posting on my threads I have been out for a while and unfortunetly it's going to be like this until I get my computer fixed but while I can use the net I will go to MT and check out things!! Once again nice wallpaper!! =^_^=

  13. headaches4ever Aug 23, 2005

    wow a firt timer... that isnt bad at all you have skillz for a first timer I cant wait to see more this is gonna be good!

  14. marcoskatsuragi Aug 25, 2005

    Nice work... rei are so cool! ^___^ I like the blue tons of colour and the simple background^^

  15. FutureGirlie Aug 26, 2005

    Wow yay ^_^ your first wallpaper ^_^, now we are both newbies :) and now we can help each other out ;). lol, Anyway about your wallpaper:
    The background looks nice, although I see some nasty pixels. I like the choice of your colors.
    Also you should work on your extraction of the scan/image (yeah I know extraction will take alot of time >.<). Just next time fix the nasty pixels and everything will work great ^_^ (maybe you saved it as low jpeg? You should do high jpeg or something ^_^). Anyway, keep it up and dont give up :)

  16. crusher500 Nov 23, 2005

    Nice work

  17. network19 Mar 21, 2010

    Thank you very much for the upload.

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