
Inuyasha Wallpaper: In the beginning

Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha, Kikyou Wallpaper
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Inuyasha Series Kikyou Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I first saw this image in the anime, obviously. And then , I found it in a "shrine" to Kikyou, back then when Kikyou was one of the most hated "bad guys" of "Inuyasha".
I was a little surprised that some other people than me would actually like her enough to build an entire site about her.
I think this is a cell scan. This is the link to that image: http://www.geocities.com/shikonnotamashii/Pictures.html
Ever since the anime, I always thought "What a beautiful scene!", so I wanted to make something that might look as sad, beautiful and serene as that scene from the anime.

La primera vez que vi esta imagen fue obviamente en el anime. Despues me encontre esta imagen en una pagina dedicada enteramente a Kikyou.
Me sorprendio bastante que alguien creara una pagina para uno de los personajes mas odiados de "Inuyasha" (al menos lo era cuando yo encontre la pagina), pues suponia que, aparte de mi, a nadie mas le agradaba Kikyou.
Creo que la imagen original esta escaneada de una celda del anime. Este es el link a la pagina donde la encontre: http://www.geocities.com/shikonnotamashii/Pictures.html
Desde que vi esta escena en el anime, me encanto. Asi que decidi hacer este wallpaper para intentar recrear tanto la belleza de la escena, como el aura de tristeza y serenidad que tiene en el programa.

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  1. fir3rulz Aug 22, 2005

    lol...no one commented....but not bad of a pic of kikyo..keep up the work.....

  2. shadowcat23 Sep 30, 2005

    shes one of my least favorite characters but she looks cool her great job on this wallpaper

  3. krisjunaeien Nov 13, 2008

    I love Kikyou, such a sad and beautiful woman.

  4. xChelisex Nov 25, 2009

    This is awesome. Love it. (:

  5. daniticha Jun 29, 2010

    This is the pic from the Kikyo's death and you did a great wall with this +.+
    Thanks a lot!

  6. rladud839 Jul 22, 2010

    This is so pretty! ^^ You did an amazing job on this!

  7. zarakitaichou Jul 26, 2010

    she was such a strong yet realistic miko.
    kind, mature, considerate, trustworthy...........

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