
Martian Successor Nadesico Wallpaper: Starry Sky

Keiji Gotoh, Martian Successor Nadesico, Ruri Hoshino Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

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At last! A REAL scenic wallpaper *fyuuhh* I'm really satisfied with it even though it still look really messy O_O;; Anywhozzlee,, I already made a wallpaper using this Hoshino Ruri scan but the other one was really crappy so I extracted her and made another wall! So tell me watcha think.. ;D Since it's my first scenic wallie~ *so excited! gosh, I probably made someone hurl by saying scenic wallies here and there x_x;;*

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  1. GonTidus Aug 15, 2005

    woooowww I like your wallpaper, I think i keep it haha =) great work ^___^ go on =)

  2. fawna-chan Aug 15, 2005

    oh wow! i think that the grass looks a bit weird but everything else is great. congrats on your first real scenic wallpaper! it's cool. great work! :D but you'll still do some abstract backgrounds, right?

  3. AngelKate Aug 15, 2005

    O_O Daaaang, you are a quick learner! This looks awesome!! Really really good job. This is definitely your best wallie. Keep it up!

  4. SilentMasamune Aug 15, 2005

    The extraction could use a little bit more work because I see jagged edges and remnants of white outside the actual edges on the scan. You could also blur the edges of the scan so the character could blend in with the background. Other than that, the background is great because the details are blatant and hard to miss. Keep up the good work.

  5. Cajime Aug 15, 2005

    Wow, this is something very special, I really like the space in this, it's very good work. The grass looks good too, it's a fave XD

    As above says the image could be cut out better. Was it done with a magic wand tool? It's best to avoid that unless it's a really big high quality scan. Or mabye you needed to expance the selection by one pixel or something to remove all white. Still good though, keep it up! I look forward to seeing more like this.

  6. Yina Aug 15, 2005

    The sky is really pretty.. Like the colours and the effects.. ^^ mhmm.. silentmasamune's right.. the scan really need more work.. and the grass looks kinda weird.. but overall nice work.. though the scenery is quite cliched.. >_<

  7. volrath77 Aug 15, 2005

    Very nice work but as SilentMasamune mentioned, there is a bit of white edges around the character & noticeable around the legs. A little touchup there would do the trick.

  8. pegassuss Aug 15, 2005

    Nice wallie! It's really good to be your first scenic wallpaper ^^ The background is beautiful, the sky is very pretty, and the grass too. It's very detailed and beautiful ^^ The only thing is the extraction of the scan. Anyway, great work! keep it up!

  9. jedisakora Aug 15, 2005

    I like the way you did the sky with the clouds and the faint shimmering of the stars :)

  10. mYNamEisMimOxxx Aug 15, 2005

    pretty good for your first scenic wallie.
    the sky is wonderful.
    i`m not to sure about the grass though...it semms...weird.
    and the scan has it`s flaws too. x.x; on her legs there is alot of white peices...
    anywho. veyr nice first scenic wall~~

  11. soujiokita Aug 15, 2005

    Well, there are some white spots on her legs. i really love the background, it looks very peaceful. Congrats on your first scenic wall! ^^ Continue the good work and you will be just as good as the other good wallers here at MT.

  12. xceliex2000 Aug 16, 2005

    It's nice, but the only thing is that the scan looks like it should be on a day time wallpaper, rather than a night time one. it IS still nice though. ^.~

  13. ladygoofy Aug 16, 2005

    Man! This diserves more favorites (people cmon! ^_^' ) J/K
    This is weally weally and what I mean really Beautiful!
    I love every effect on this wallpaper, and Ruri is cute as always... XD
    You did it again Midori-chan! ;)
    And definetly goin to add this to ma ++favorites!!
    And why not is vewy pwetty indeed it is....lol :nya:

    ++FaVorites 4 SuRe :pacman: -------->>>>>>

  14. bbls Aug 16, 2005

    the scenery is very beautiful...i luv how the night sky just sparkles! the concept is also very nice with the night time scenery. and i also like those floating feathers, which added a nice touch to your wall! :D

  15. Verbeek Aug 16, 2005

    Nice wall. You keep getting better and better.
    The background is nice. Great job!!

  16. Cagari Aug 16, 2005

    It's so prettyyyy!!!!! I love it!!!!! I love the stars and the moon and the grass and the sky!! The girl looks a tiny bit funny however.....O_o....but it's so pretty....I'm adding it to my favs!!! See you around!

  17. Cagari Aug 16, 2005

    It's so prettyyyy!!!!! I love it!!!!! I love the stars and the moon and the grass and the sky!! The girl looks a tiny bit funny however.....O_o....but it's so pretty....I'm adding it to my favs!!! See you around!

  18. RhiyaLynn Aug 16, 2005

    Nice nice!!! I really love the background effects! The colors, the lights and shadows are looking good!! The only thing is the character... she's a little bit too sharp for the rest of the background!! A little blur to the edges of it will make it blend!! Real great job!!! A fav to encourage your work! :D

  19. hykyit Aug 17, 2005

    Whoa~ For a moment i thought she was from Gatekeepers there~ Except her hair color is different~ The grass is done very nicely!! It blends into the bg really well!! The sky is gorgeous too!! Only problem is like what everybody says, the scan needs some work!! But very nice for y our first scenic wallpaper!! ^^

  20. fireflies Aug 17, 2005

    haha... i very like ur quote, great job for the wallie too. but er.. the grass seem to need more work .

  21. mercury113 Aug 19, 2005

    Wow... This pic is so nice hope i can download it........................................

  22. Eunihorn Aug 20, 2005

    wonderful background, just the girl.......ain't pretty enough >.<

  23. Hakukuroneko Banned Member Aug 21, 2005

    Thats a really pretty wallpaper!! you should thank Ayasal. Without her I wouldn't find this wallpaper!! ^_^

  24. suejean Aug 21, 2005

    omg! i love this scenic wallie!!...awww...and i love the quote>-< very kawaii!!^-^

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