XD It looks great!
I love the Yoh x Anna pairing!!
I'll add this to favs! ^^
1024x768 Wallpaper
here is another Wall for the Yoh and Anna Fans.I really like the Pic I found it somewhere on a Group I think..its bright
sorry for that If you dont like it.^^;; I used Many nice Brushes.even Butterflies but I think you cant really see
them..o-o well..I like it I hope you like it too.
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XD It looks great!
I love the Yoh x Anna pairing!!
I'll add this to favs! ^^
great job, love the background, and like the scan you used, great job again, ja-ne
cute!! anna!!! i love her!! the bg loks great, and the colours are nice too!! great job my friend!!
OMG so many lovely fanarts! you know, any chance I can ask you to zip them all up and upload on mediafire or something? I LOVE all the images you use! O.O
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