
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Wallpaper: GS: Fading Days

Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Athrun Zala, Kira Yamato, Haro Wallpaper
Sunrise (Studio) Studio Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Series Athrun Zala Character Kira Yamato Character Haro Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Please Check Fullview, Thumb looks really bad.
Hi Everyone! It's been almost a month since I've submitted something but I finally finish this one ^^ I have like two more unfinished work @__@ This wallpaper may not look much but it took a really long time to draw in the middle.

I came across the Athrun scan a while back, and when I was looking through the section I also found the other half, which was of Kira. I decided to put the scan together, and the middle was missing. I don't know what I was thinking then but I decided to draw in the middle to connect the two. There was about an inch missing. My gawd, did it take so long! But I did learned how to use the pen tool in a way that I can vector to a certain point. The pen tool, polylasso tool and smudge tool, were my best friends during this process (thank you!). The Pink Haro gave me the most trouble, it was pretty much not there to begin with. I freestyle Athrun's and Kira's hair, which I'm very proud of but please forgive if it doesn't look right.

After I was done, I didn't know what to do with it. I could have submitted it like that but it looked like I didn't do anything. So I came up with a picture on the pavement (which I made may look funny) just as autumn is coming in. Summer is beginning to fade and autumn is coming but their smiles will never fade. You know that kind of feeling ^^

This took nearly 40 hours to complete in a duration of a week. Yes, I'm a slow worker ^^;; Biggest resolution I've worked with too.

Thank You, Shojuko for the wonderful scans!
Athrun scan - http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/92343/
Kira scan - http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/92348/

Leaf Brushes from Miss M's Brushes.

Happy Birthday Lucyxlostangelwings, and Norin!
Also late present for Athrun, and extremly late present for Hykyit (sorry no mobile suits but gundam pilots XD).

Comments, suggestions, critisms, etc. all appreciated!

Aspiring Mafia Plug:
Member: Fukushuusha
Wall: Being Desperate
Reason:This wall deserves more attention. I love the whole theme park scene, and the texture is really well done.

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  1. ItakoLina Aug 13, 2005

    wow I really like this Wall.the piccie you choosed is really kawaii
    and I really like the Leaf Brushes.I like Autumn^-^it looks so kawaii as a Photo x3
    keep up your great Work

  2. Ayasal Aug 13, 2005

    I really like this wall! ^o^
    I dont know but it give me this peaceful feeling... :D
    you did a good job!
    keep up the good work and I hope to see more from you!

  3. L3X Aug 13, 2005

    wow!! i love yer wallie. its so clean. such a happy mood when i saw it. this is very nice! lookz like 40 hs of work really paid off. this is going to my faves!

    awsome job!


  4. Firedemon Aug 13, 2005

    realy awesome wallpaper! i realy like the background and the leaves ^_^ nice job +favs

  5. fukushuusha Aug 13, 2005

    O_o thanks for the plug...much appriciated :)

    as for the wall...well 40 hours?? this is a lot but it certainly shows off. The quality is purely amazing. same goes for the creativity and composition. I ve never seen a gundam wall like this. very original stuff. The really cool thing is: it looks really good even in thumbnail XD but far better in fullwiev. we can hardly see walls look good in thumbs...anyways...very unique wall in general also in it's category. A definate fav

  6. firelycan Aug 13, 2005

    This is a terrific job you did!!
    I think its wonderful i like the whole picture frame vibe goin on and the autumn leaves

    GREAT wallpaper!!! :nya:

  7. sukie Aug 13, 2005

    mmm this looks great...i really like it!! great colours, and i like what you did to the scan!! mmm...i like it!!

  8. ayaki Aug 14, 2005

    OMG..after looking @ the two scans....wow
    excellent job at making them as one pic.... >_< sugoi desu...
    The picture theme works really nice in here.
    and the background has simple pattern...& not overpowering the pic...
    really great job !!!~ must fav :)

  9. rythem Aug 14, 2005

    waaa~pretty concept ^^ u made a great job combining the two piccys .. *.* it really looks like the scan is originally like that X3 the scan is really nice in quality .. n I luv the textures on the marble floor ^_^ leaves adds up a nice touch ~ a must favie ^^ wonderful work heavens-chan~ >w< all ur hard work is definitely worth it ^.^ *huggies*

  10. Tatsuya Aug 14, 2005

    nice concept, a simple idea done with great skill! thank for sharing anyway

  11. TinoLee Banned Member Aug 14, 2005

    Very nice & cool!! XD XD But I like the bg is simple, anyway it's a nice wallpaper! :)

  12. Kazuya-chan Aug 14, 2005

    nice concept , this is really nice idea !!!! this wallpapers done with great skill! , i really like it ! thanks for shraing it !!!

  13. Lady-Cagally Aug 14, 2005

    It's too bright I think, but that's okay. I like this idea ( fav ). Hope to see again your next wall. Love you ^_~

  14. Sico Aug 14, 2005

    Cool! An other realy good wall!!! :D
    I love! It's very nice!

  15. IcyFyre Aug 14, 2005

    aw! i like how theres a photo! i think it looks awsome! you did well on this wallie, theres no need to worry! :)

  16. bbls Aug 14, 2005

    very nice concept...i like that whole idea of the pic thing, but must we be reminded that summer is almost over... T_T
    you did a perfect job in integrating the two scans together, and i luv the mosaic tiles... :D

  17. jingjing1208 Aug 15, 2005

    WOW,heavens new wall!!!^_^
    And it's just so great!!!^_^ THe bg is beautiful and good idea for made the scan as a photo!!^_^ I just love it!^_^ +fav!!!!

  18. Skillzpay Aug 17, 2005

    I hate to play devil's advocate here but I'm kinda indifferent about this wall. The whole picture concept has been done a lot so it's not something that I'd get too excited over. The leaves need some shadowing and depth cause they look flat and dont really give off the appearance of being on top of the pictures and tile. There seems to be something missing that brings everything together, possibly some text or some other added items could've been beneficial. One thing though that I did especially like was the tile. It looks great with its nifty design and colors. I'm sure you put a lot of work and thought into this but I don't think the concept allowed you to create something all that special unfortunately :|

  19. ChibiChimomo Aug 20, 2005

    holy poo this is like one of the very best walls i've seen so far, and how you had to make it. goshh your very talented. it doesn't look like you messed up on the hair. in fact it even looks better. gawd athrun is so amazingly gorgeous... GOOD JOB

  20. LucyXlostangelwings Aug 21, 2005

    This is really lovely! One look at the thumbnail, I knew I was going to love this wall. ^^
    I'm so glad you put those two pictures together! By the looks of it, it must have taken quite a while to do. But I can tell ya, the finished result is fantastic! It now looks like a treasurable photo. Also I noticed, nice composition there. The photo looks best on an angle.
    Now that is what a call a simple but brilliant background! How did'ja come up with the idea of tiles for the bg? It works like magic for the wall! :D I think the leaves bring so much to the wall too. Seasonal wise, Autumn suits the picture best. :)
    i love this one, well done! For me, it's a fav! ^^
    P.s. Wooo, wallie looks great on my desktop! X3

  21. kykio Oct 27, 2005

    they are too nice all the 2

  22. lilangel4u Nov 06, 2005

    really like what you've done with a fairly common image of kira and athrun. good job!

  23. pchne2630 Banned Member Jul 11, 2006

    The background and the character completely match oh two people since
    childhood most to want the good friend on the understanding oh is
    lacus and cagalli most likes oh completely liking this tablecloth oh
    well liking oh

  24. nanulacus May 20, 2009


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