Wow... :D
good job
I dunno how to put some deprth into the grass..
mind my noobness..
neway as always comments are appreacited
:: EDIT ::
I'm just too lazy to delete this wall and make a new thread.
so I'm just uploading it to my host. Links below.
alright. lessen the blur a bit.
Digi Charat Less Blur
this one without any blur at all
Digi Charat Without Blur
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Wow... :D
good job
hehe thats nice :D
It would be perfect, if the tree was less blurry.
Everything else looks already perfect.
the grass is fine without more depth too xD i like it, the chara is cute, too
really cool ^^ Nice job ^^
Nice job.. maybe try finding a better image of a tree next time.. it looks too realistic, and somewhat blurry. The depth seems fine.. maybe try playing around with shades if it bothers you.. but it looks alright. The leaves are very pretty, and add a lovely touch to the picture ^_^ .. but the clouds look a little strange.. ^^;; .. Nonetheless, a great job overall.. The colors match wonderfully! ^_^ Doesn't look like a newbie wall to mee~~
without blur is better i think ^^
Good work ^_^... again
I prefer the one with "a bit less blur"
Good you captured the scene few seconds before it turns into ashes. She will surely be dangerous again!
The grass needs more depth in the back rows, other than that it looks very well done ^^
I really like the one with no blur. Good job!
If you ask me, the one without blur looks most awkward as there is no attempt made for the rest of the wall to be realistic, plus the bottom of the tree trunk looks wrongly round in that one. The blurry one is too blurry in comparison to the rest of the image.
nice job
oooh.... this is pretty realistic XD
oh i already commented this...anyways...i like the grass u used here just looks great
I love this one. It has a nice feel of depth and motion.
Yey nice wallie :)
nice wall
kawaiiii !!! exentric you make a good job ( je devrais essay
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