
War of Genesis III Wallpaper: :WOG: III

Hyung-Tae Kim, War of Genesis III, Beramode Wallpaper
Hyung-Tae Kim Mangaka War of Genesis III Game Beramode Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

An abstract wall....haha XP

At first..i wasn't going to make it into an abstract wall....
My initial idea was to make her lay on a mirror...inside a room or something...
but then...thought it's too hard and gave up....>_<

Afterward...i started to play with a few tech lines...and....continue...and here it is.
The hardest part was the perspective.....wha kinda pose is that?!? LOL
This scan is in the female scan section, submitted by sammo
>> beramode by sammo <<
but i heard that beramode is a he.... anyways....
I kinda like how this wall turns out .... looking pretty cool .. haha ... hope u guys think so too.

Aspiring Mafia Plug:
Member: drell
Wall: on the road.
Reason:I love the concept of this wall!.

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  1. zephiris26 Aug 08, 2005

    This is a beautiful wallpaper. You have some awesome abstract design skills, and the color selection is great. I especially love the little barcode-y tech lines and the lighting effects.
    The extraction could fade out a bit more, but it still looks really cool. I'm adding this to my favorites. :)

  2. melymay Aug 08, 2005

    Whoa, nice wall =] I love the abstract backround and the scan you used. Great job and keep up the good work! +fave

  3. yuiyui01 Aug 08, 2005

    ayaki ! great wallie ayaki ! I love the "futuristic" touch of the wall, mostly co of the lines all along the wall. the chara pose is really kewl too, good choice of the scan :)
    the light merge well too ^__^
    nothing misses in this wall...
    great job ^__^
    fav ^^

  4. drell Aug 08, 2005

    I can say I totally dig the tech stuff on the wallpaper, but those lightning effect leave a bit cold, not a fan of these kinds of stuff. Well I should be the only one considering my style of walling @_@. And if we are already talking about me, I gotta give You a big thanks for the plug XD. I gotta say I have gotten like three of them in the last few days.

  5. fukushuusha Aug 08, 2005

    well...I am not used to see an abstract from u...this looks damn good
    And I totally agree with the pose...jeez how did u pick this scan in the first place? XD I can imagine why u gave up :)
    the abstract is really well done. Especially near the girl. It looks better belended then the side areas. But I think it's the brush not u; or intentional I dunno. but looks weird those up and down sides.
    mehh...whatever a very nice abstract with very a hard scan ayaki. great job as always :)

  6. Yina Aug 08, 2005

    uff.. this one is really a piece of perfect art.. O__O the effects are pure amazing.. O__O wow.. hehe.. can't say too much... it just looks perfect.. so +fa XD

  7. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Aug 09, 2005

    Wow this is usch an awesome techy wall, dont seem uch of these kinds anymore but all together the whole wall is beautiful! Great job on the blending and techies going around bermode! Fava flava! XD

  8. ilhamps Mute Member Nov 24, 2009

    wow wow
    a nice picture
    i love it..

    good job
    keep going..!

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