
Samurai Champloo Wallpaper: i could use a nice shot of JIN!

Manglobe, Samurai Champloo, Jin Wallpaper
Manglobe Studio Samurai Champloo Series Jin Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

....not as cool as my devil may cry 3 walls title....


anyone who has seen samurai champloo knows that it's just bursting at the seams with style. This scan was no different.
originally from kei's site, "beyourtruemind.net"
i recged a whole lot of it because it just wasn't as smooth as i wanted it.
such a dynamic pic needed a simple background which actually took me a really long time to do. simple bamboo structures worked nicely.
i added in the graffiti-style text with jin's name in japanese, as well as a lil shilouette, and there you have it.
a dab in simplicity :3
since my simplicity doesn't always go over that well, i'm not expecting much from this lol. that and it's not mugen. but hey! i LIKE jin! more than MUGEn! -ducks-
he's so strong and silent and funny when he drinks xD
i plan on making one with mugen to go along with it. and maybe fuu.

more resolutions on pixelated graffiti next week when i update with it.

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  1. anji Aug 06, 2005

    I think it's pretty cool.
    I really like Samurai Champloo's artwork too, so stylish.
    And I agree a simple background is better for this kind of scan. I like the bamboo.
    I'm just not sure about the black at the back, a gradient would maybe add a bit of something to the wall in my opinion.
    Anyway it's nice to see some Champloo wall here.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Aug 06, 2005

    I pity the foo who doesnt love his or her own works! xd

    i love it its almost noir in a sense but it has blue as the striking color, maybe you should make Mugen red and Fuu pink as well? XD anyway the effects and text are gorgeous and all in all this is pretty sweet! Fava flava! ^__^

  3. skydancer Aug 06, 2005

    hey kalico.
    i don't really have much to say about this wall.. because i already commented on it in AP. =__=
    so you already know how much i like it.. xD

    btw, this is eclipse. =__=

  4. trinigirl524 Aug 10, 2005

    awesome wallpaper! ^^ i saw this on AP but i'll comment again,
    um i really like how the whole wallpaper looks and the text is a great touch, i like the scan of jin and the colors used. hm and yeah ur right, the show has a lot of style and the wallie shows it. great job! ^^ +fav

  5. Rex Aug 10, 2005

    a simple war, but u pulled it off

    at first i was like "zomg! blinding blue"
    but after a while, i like the blinding blue, it makes the wall stands out a lot

  6. Aurore Aug 15, 2005

    Very nice wall! It's simple but the overall looks pretty good!
    And Jin is my favorite character too, so... go to my fav ^^

  7. Shadu Oct 09, 2005

    Nice work! A simple scan, but a beautiful pic! ^_^ Thanks for posting it. I agree, Samurai Champloo has a wicked style, almost chaotic (especially in the battle scenes, whoo!). Hope to see more from ya later.

    Ciao. ^_~

  8. blahblah20 Restricted Member Jan 18, 2006

    I like what you did with the background.:) Great work. *adds to favs*

  9. kesshin May 25, 2006

    Blinding blue and pitch black go really well together, methinks, and i really like the bit of yellow on his swrodguard. Nice font too! adding to faves.

  10. dianekikiula Feb 16, 2007

    Ooo, good work. I <3 Jin. ^_^;

  11. Fensuz Dec 17, 2009

    Jin e o seu longo bra

  12. online54 Mar 28, 2011


    hottest samurai with glasses.

    thanks for uploading!

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