
Yuuri Nishiwaki Wallpaper: ::White Summer::

Yuuri Nishiwaki Wallpaper
Yuuri Nishiwaki Mangaka

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Suppose to be a summer wall...but thanks a lot to Amaranth's suggestion (I was being sacarstic...lol) It turns out it will be better if I stick with the idea of the original scan...it is her scan so....gotta follow the instruction...so it turns out snow in summer...weird idea but it is summer...too early for winter...too out of season!!

Amaranth...hope this is what you are looking for...!!

Scan credit: Amaranth
Source: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/135214/

My very first big wall...I didn't realize that the size of file is 80 MB...I killed my computer again...no wonder it got so slow...and so is the scan....50 MB...my RAM can't take that much load...lol....!!

3 days to extract....it is so hard with the extraction...hope it turns out OK...because the background of the original scan is dark...and the wicked Bunny Girl dresses black...so it was hard....I can't believe I actually used Lasso Tool...something I believe I will never use...but I used it anyway......for such big scan...it will be better wiht bigger wall resolution...that is my conclusion!!

Background...sorry but from scratch again....heehee...I really enjoy making background...another 3 days of work...*sigh*....I made everything made myself...no tutorials...just poking around with the options...hope it looks fine...always wanted to make the Gate thingy...now finally got a chance...hope you can tell it is at some kind of temple place....!! I am not good with glowing or glittering wallpaper...

Anyway....the wicked bunny girl causes all the snow...so balme her...lol...I will probably use this scan for my next wall...since I spend some time extracting I think it is worthwhile to use it again...probably full-body insteand of half...anyway comments...are always welcome!!

Enjoy this out of season wall...it suppose to be summer...bummer*!!

I think it looks better if look it in big resolution...I did put some detaisl and want to hear your comments

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  1. ReflexBlue Jul 30, 2005

    Very nice pic, thanx forr sharing

  2. Dragula Jul 30, 2005

    Looks good

  3. sagagg1200 Jul 30, 2005

    I think this little girl`s right face should do a little change .
    It`s too sharp .should be around
    except that .It `s a beautiful wallpaper.
    Waiting for your next scan

  4. daisukeniwa05 Jul 30, 2005

    very very kool. nice work with teh scan.. it looks very clean.. keep up the good work. plus favs.

  5. Kiako Jul 30, 2005

    nice wallpaper, the chara is very pretty and the bg fits well to her. but the sky doesn't look that good, it doesn't look that much like the sky.

  6. tian82 Jul 30, 2005

    Nice wallpaper !! Look so cute and lovely !! Great work !! Thank for sharing !!

  7. AngelKate Jul 30, 2005

    Yay Tenshi made another wallie!! I like the idea, snow in the summer. I wouldn't mind that! XD Cute wallie Tenshi, keep it up! ^_^

  8. Asahi Jul 30, 2005

    its very good .. but the chara - the stroke around her .. make her to 2d .. like a paper-doll.. =(

  9. walkure245 Jul 31, 2005

    What a cutie concept. If it was summer or winter, I think it would be nice either ways. Maybe you should try to create a summer one for fun. XD Heheh~
    I really like how this looks. The only thing would be the slight glow around her. >.< I would love to see it blended into the bg. Your bg is really awesome and looks really real. But the 5 snowflakes next to her looks unreal. Maybe take one or two out or adjust size. Also, the snow on top of the temple entrance. You left it flat which lacks realism. Pile it on. XD It sounds like a lot but they are minor stuff so no worries. It looks really great. Super work!

  10. Barbara Jul 31, 2005

    Very nice wallie, everything fits pretty well together, looks good to me. Keep it up :)

  11. Amaranth Aug 01, 2005

    i'm sorry T__T
    but this is very pretty ^^
    i love snow<3
    omgsh you did the whole bg i love it..you have shadows and detail everywhere X3..i like the gate best cuz of the word you added and it's texture X3
    ooo another wallie X3 i look forward to that ^^

  12. uesugikenshin Aug 02, 2005

    oh thats a really cute pic ^_^ i really like the way you did it... the girl is cute too lol... +favs

  13. Zero8888 Mute Member Nov 01, 2005

    such cute wallpaper
    every thing fit very well

  14. nolove Jan 02, 2006

    this's really awesome, i love ur beautiful wallie ><, oh very meaning name white summer XD, god, i cant never think of a name special like that
    fav for sure ^^

  15. kssbg Jan 10, 2006

    I love this wallapper! i love purple and pink and here those two colours are combined and i like this even more ^_^ + favs

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