
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Wallpaper: .: Endless Memories :.

TYPE-MOON, Shingetsutan Tsukihime, Akiha Tohno, Arcueid Brunestud Wallpaper
TYPE-MOON Studio Shingetsutan Tsukihime Series,Visual Novel Akiha Tohno Character Arcueid Brunestud Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Working while listening to music
Composer: Toshiyuki O'mori

I personlity, thought that i wouldn't make another Tsukihime wallpaper due to the low feedback i've received on my last one Paradise. Pretty much vector the whole damn thing, even the funky clouds on Paradise. Looking at my current status, im particercaly dead for quite some time with my imagination and spirit. Explains why i missec 3-4 classes of tai chi. =_=

Now back to my wallpaper! I thought the scan i used was beauitful. It has a sad theme to it, which i like the most, Anger,sorrow,despair etc. Now, each character in that wallpaper represents time of emotion. I would like for you guys to figure out which type of feeling will fit into those characters.

The added effect, retouched the scan *It was really bad quality.* Drawed the left corner of the wallpaper. *Thanks to Biri for giving me some tips* Added a rain effect, and made Ciel stand out of the rest sense, pose-wise she fits very well.*Biri thought of it :O and i agreed. GO BIRI!* Last but not least, crazy grunge.

Here's the orignal scan for you people to look at and compare the differance.


And heres the wall without the grunge effect on it.


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  1. volrath77 Jul 28, 2005

    This is a great piece of work. It's not exactly b/w but sepia, I think. Good atmosphere. Fav'ed.

  2. Tabernero Jul 28, 2005

    Great wall, I like the effects in the bg, the give a fantastic atmosphere to the wall, what I don't like is the the line on the left side of the wall, without it the wall would be a lot better.

  3. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Jul 28, 2005

    the thumbnail rules and the bigger one rules too ...

    the first girl standing up from the left ... is .... indifferent ....... she's just watching everything happen infront of her ...

    the one sitting down ... is ... well .. she looks haughty .. >O< crazy .... xD

    third one .......... she looks the saddest ... like she lost all hope ..

    ^-^ and the last ones look desperate ...

    =-= i was supposed to think of emotions .. but my vocab ish limited .. xD XD

    i love this wallie <3 butbut the paradise one rocked too .. =-= i loved that one ..

    o_o yu take tai chi? xD

  4. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Jul 28, 2005

    Really good,like you said the scan for itself is beautiful,also the whole grunge is good,not too simple,maybe i have some issues with that corner,it needs something...more depth or detail...i dont know exactly...i like the theme,fits with the mood of the scan

  5. DarkEVO Jul 28, 2005

    Really good grunge wallpaper. I like the dark contrast and its grey tones. Really a fav.

  6. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jul 28, 2005

    Woah this is something from you but i wished uploaded the other one without the grunge but you could lighten it up a bit on the grunge there cos its hard to really see the details if the wall except when i prieview the other one but the images are amazingly put all around together and i love it! Great job as always mate! XD

  7. Raiyne Jul 28, 2005

    Another well done grunge wallie. :D The other wall without the grunge looks good as well. I love the darkness and aura of the wall, as well as the expression of the characters reminiscing.
    Keep up the good work. :)

  8. bromithia Retired Moderator Jul 28, 2005

    Your best wallpaper yet, probably your worst text job too, though. I've thought about walling that scan before, and I would always just think "maybe later"! But now I have one to use of it. The line looks odd though, were you trying to make a street corner? The rain could be a lot better, too. But obviously I love this wallpaper, I'ma use it now.

    Great work Shadow.

    EDIT: The normal version looks too medianed, I like the grunge better.

  9. calisqo Jul 29, 2005

    The grunge def looks better.
    The plain one is just too .....plain >.>
    The texturing is as usual your greatest asset here, the color, is becoming very Shadowdude's , the color u used gives me the impression that u like that color a lot >.>
    darkish and gloomy kinda feeling emerged from it ^_^"
    Nice work on the clean up , look asweosme.
    Overall nice work ^_^

  10. Ultra-Violet Aug 03, 2005

    Plenty of attitude, blood splatters and suspiciously sweet looking young ladies sitting or standing somewhat pensively all in a row. More than worthy of praise, this gritty piece gives off a chilling air!

  11. YugureKaze Aug 03, 2005

    it looks really nice
    the colors used look great for this wall
    the blood splatter on the wall is a nice touch
    amazing work! ^_^

  12. carolmanachan Aug 03, 2005

    so dark !!!!
    i loved the brushes you use on it !
    very diferent wall from tsukihime !

  13. whatthebleh Aug 03, 2005

    love your off-greyscale schemes. a favorite. good job shadowdude.

  14. rapchee Aug 17, 2005

    oh my god its full of grunge

  15. kas-chan Aug 20, 2005

    great piece~! i like the one with grunge effect is better, due to personal interest...i like grunge ~ XD

  16. kathyflor Sep 18, 2005

    Cool!!!!! is dark!!!
    is scary!!but i like it!!
    Bye!!! and excellent jobe!!

  17. anji Sep 22, 2005

    I like the atmosphere in this one sad, dark, desperate.
    It's like there's nothing they can do anymore...
    I never saw a grunge wallie where it's rainning, pretty cool mix I think.
    It adds to make this desperate atmosphere.
    Also I like the hard contrast between the white and the black, it's violent :D
    Overall I think it's a solid piece of work, maybe just a bit too dark on the right side. It's difficult to see the two girls...
    Thanks for sharing this DayBreak (ShadowDude)!
    It's just really weird when people change their name XD

  18. popupkiller Sep 30, 2005

    Une superbe modification, totalement adaptée à l'univers de cette superbe série. Du très beau travail !

  19. Oshii-Rion Oct 21, 2005

    Oh my gosh! :O
    Its veeeery beautiful! xD
    I love this!
    + fav
    Lovely wall! :)

  20. dngo86 Oct 25, 2005

    This is a very nice wallpaper. The darkness of the wallpaper really give that same feeling of the anime. Nice.

  21. animefairy Jan 12, 2006

    OMG! I love this wall! ^_^ The colors are so emotional and reminds me of pain and death! This is my favorite anime and I love it!

  22. MuZ0NaZ Jan 12, 2006

    Damn you, I never though that scan could look that good *high-fives*
    Good choice of music, too.

  23. xnla Feb 04, 2006


    Se ve espectacular la imagen , esta recontra genial , LO MEJOR.

  24. wert668 Jun 08, 2006

    I love the way of 1600x1200 resolution. The designs and techniques you used, great job. The concept and the colors are awesome.

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