cool..i like that!
Artist Comment
Death such an amazing god...i was so surprised by the plot...@_@
And i heard that a movie will be based on death note.....well i hope that's soon....!
back to the wall....uhm....I found this great scan of Raito...
> Guardian of Death's Door - Light by
Marissa <
His pose just immediately gave me an image of him being in an alley way or something...
so i continue with this idea..and here it is....
I tried my best to give him a right hand...and added some accessories ><
The little God of Death was from the manga...haha i stole it and put it on the brick wall..@_@
oh..and the texture of the brick wall was from a stock photo i found on sxc ;)
Hope u guys like this wall. ^_^
Mafia Plug:
Member: calisqo
Wall: ::Reminiscence in Blue::
Reason:I love the style of this wall...really soft and dreamy. and look @ the
awesome vectoring skillz @_@
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ryannzha Jul 27, 2005
xianghuax Jul 27, 2005
sugoi!!! Looks so stormy and 'gangsta' >.< just wondering.. Did you really draw the hands?? It looks really good! As if the hands were actually part of the scan ^___^ well done!!
gerad Jul 27, 2005
Cool Light-san Greezzzzzzz
Fantastic sugoi!!!
Death Note Bansaiiii well done -
drell Jul 27, 2005
The detail of the scan and BG is incredible. They blend together well as well.
+Fav -
fukushuusha Jul 27, 2005
very nifty work here...absolutely love it.
The last coloring of the scan is much better thx to u; u also draw a hand for raito. The walls are good...not the best but really good. They match all with the walls other parts. Texture looks nice.
Girl...This is quality stuff. ur best wall if u ask me; and probably my next desktop.keep up the great work :) -
Chocosuke Jul 27, 2005
omg.. amazing wallpaper you got there.. death note.. i'm wondering now if Light is on the good side or the bad side.. anyways.. it's really an excellent work of wallpaper.. the bg is perfect.. really like the idea of the bg.. adding to favs. thnx for sharing.. XD
OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jul 27, 2005
Eeeeee i love the lil Grim reaper! XD
Anyway the image totally blends with the wall, graffitic, nostalgic and badass is what makes this wall a cool setting.... I should look at that manga some time cos it sounds intresting! Great job as usual! :P
Yina Jul 27, 2005
you.. you.. ;__; really made a death note wallie.. and with..with.. raito-saaamaaaa... XD yeah.. I don't know one person who doesn't like the manga.. XD nyaa.. Love the bg you've made.. cuz it fits perfectly to the scan.. wow.. and the perspective seems to be pretty difficult.. and you managed it really well.. btw.. why does his left hand look so strange?? ^_^' anyway, excellent work, +fav ^^
mYNamEisMimOxxx Jul 27, 2005
omgfshness! i`m in love with you now. :)
i have been waiting for a decent wallie of deathnote.
i read that manga too. it`s so. wow incredible. this wall automaticly goes to my desktoppp!!
keep it up. goshness if you could find a scan of L and do a wall of him. o_O wowness.
anywho good work! fav from me. -
Septillion Jul 28, 2005
w00t! death note!!^^ i was just thinking that i didn't have any wallpapers on my new manga obsession so i came by to search for some, and found this amazing piece of work. the theme and mood of the manga is nicely portrayed here well done! i particularly like how you did the text on the walls, and the debatable question of 'angel and devil' it describes Raito's conflicting ambitions and personality perfectly. however i think Raito is probably a tad too bright, with the dark surroundings, he tend to stand out just a bit too much (particularly his white jacket XD ) anyways love your work ^_^b
white-zero Jul 28, 2005
Whoa. Nice BG work. Adding to my fav. :)
And this one deserves some plugging. XD
chibikko Jul 30, 2005
Whoa you have awesome ideas. Some parts of the wall look too real but the graffito looks great. Good job on drawing the hand, it looks very good to me. Also the perspective is perfect. I have nothing to complain about, I love Death Note, your idea and concept and Light-kun <3 xD
harakiri Aug 01, 2005
chibikko recommended you so I came to look at your wallpaper. Indeed, very creative and original. The wall and the graffiti are cool and the realistic city in the background doesn't bother me at all.
agneslee Aug 02, 2005
well done.
It's goes well with the character.
Thanks for sharing. -
Sunnyd29 Aug 03, 2005
awesome artwork!! THIS IS A really great scan!! I love the background and I really love the way you were able to make it look like the guy is pushing apart the walls (I think that is just me since right now I'm really, really tired from work). I think you did an excellent job on this artwork!! vonderful, VONDERFUL!!
caihaogyh Aug 04, 2005
Cool man. Seems to be evil enough! :D :D :D
funkybass Aug 04, 2005
Damn..!! It's Hot!!! I like this wall..!!! You got the FaVe, Bro!! (or Sis?)
blackmatrix Aug 14, 2005
Oh! This picture made from Special poster!
Thank you!
Death Note Banzaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
emichan Aug 16, 2005
wow awesome wallpaper! xD that pic of Raito goes really well with the backgroung! very creative :D
Vetrox Aug 22, 2005
Great jobb on that wall, although the lightning on Kira is kinda...wrong...since theres a lamppost behind him he should be kinda darkish and bright on the other side of him, not the other way around ^^'
Also, should'nt he cast a shadow from the lamp? And...sorry, getting kinda carried away here, but the perspective on the road is kinda wrong too :PNice try and idea though, if you work on it a bit more it should come out great!
rythem Aug 28, 2005
cool ~~ *.* I luv deathnote wallies X3 the perspective is awesome~ n u draw his hand ne? looks great ^_^ I love the writing on the wall .. pretty neat ~ the scan goes well with everything ~ great work ayaki >w< nice concept n wall XD
PhoenixNox Aug 29, 2005
death note vol 1 comes out in the us in october. i read a preview in shonen jump and im already hooked. i love the art.
great looking wall. -
Tatsuya Aug 30, 2005
this one is a nice one, i like the composition! everything is perfect in my eyes, it's deserve to fav
Kira-sama Aug 30, 2005
awsom!!! havent read the manga but it sounds good!!
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