This is so nice, I like it.
but a little big to me.
Waaah... another RO wallpaper (damn vicious game) xD
Well, tried to put some enfort on this one... hope you like this more than others, the scan is from mt (forgot who
subimited it) sorry, but thanks ^^'
The mountains is from a card from magic: the gattering hehe... they're cool
Well it's enough...hope you like it and hugs to my friends on mt, miss most of you ^^
Coments, favs and criticism are wellcome
See you in the next wall =D
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This is so nice, I like it.
but a little big to me.
I love it ^_^
Its so beautiful and I really like how well the character scan and the background go together
+ to favs
Nice wallpaper. Great scenery and sky. Good job on the wallpaper and thank you for sharing.
Its a beautiful wallpaper.. I think that you did a very nice job.. It is also a cute character selection. ^.^ *favs*
one thing: the sky is too purple.. for my taste.. ^_^' and I would remove the moon.. cuz it's kinda out of place.. O__O but apart from that.. the wallie is really amazing.. I love the trees and the mountains.. and the grass.. cuz they all fit so perfectly to the atmosphere.. though everything is a bit cliched... nyaa.. nonetheless.. great job, +fav ^^
this is beautifuL i love it! the colours are so pretty, and the sky is very clam...great work!!! keep it up!
i like it, its really good, the bg you did, its awesome and the colors that you used!!
keep it up!!
that's really coolies, everything is really clear XD The scan is really coolies too.
As usual sensei :D a w e s o m e ! + fav! :) scan is very cute and the bg really great ^^ and... the effect near her pen *_* really gerat job akira-chan ^^!
Another beuatiful one. I think I recently commented that your snow ones were beautiful, well so most of yours. I love the magical effect of the paper being tied to her pen, and I have always been a sucker for the elf girl, excellent wallpaper, great use of colors and nice background, thank you for sharing this one.
Beautiful wallie! ^^ I love it! The scan is lovely and I love the effect you made at the end of the pen, it's amazing. The sky is nicely done, I love the colors ^^ And I like the trees and the grass. It's really beautiful ^^ Great job!!
amazing; breath taking- this is wonderful. congrats on making such a beautiful piece of art :D
Great wallpaper, I would like to know what kind of character is she, but good work.
Cute wall.
Nice colours and background...
and also effects.
Great job.
oooh! It's like mabinogi and dot hack// fused together!
Sorry my mind is stuck on video games! ^^;
This is really cool!
Thanks for sharing/making! I'll save this so I can put it on my desktop later on! :D *FAVS!*
this picture is really pretty, cool n beautiful
thanks a lot for sharing.. cute,sp pretty and nice..i like this wallpaper..
nice one.. its good .. i wish i could also make this kind of wallpapers..
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