
X: Subaru x Seishiro

CLAMP, X, X [infinity], Seishirou Sakurazuka, Subaru Sumeragi
CLAMP Mangaka X Series X [infinity] Artbook Seishirou Sakurazuka Character Subaru Sumeragi Character


Not my scan, stolen from Sasmira's Livejournal.
This is from X Infinity, this picture was used as the design for the X DVD Box for DVD's 9-12.

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  1. Hikari-Sakurai Jun 02, 2004

    Yay..... I've been after this piccie for ages, :)

  2. VampireMelinda Aug 13, 2004

    Oh My God. Beautiful just wow *hugs* I Love it!

  3. fushiginohito Sep 20, 2004

    Aaahhhh...Kawaii. Thanks so much!!!

  4. Tirdaelyn Sep 23, 2004

    Oh wow, I have been looking for a really good quality version of this pic for a while now. Thx for sharing! :D

  5. brenya Oct 17, 2004

    Wow, this is really nice!! They look so kewl!! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. :>

  6. Yuuto Nov 03, 2004

    Yeeey! Thanks so much for this~~~!!! Subaru looks very well in that new style (looks like the old TYO style)

  7. Banchan Jan 25, 2005

    Yin and yang with style, Clamp certainly knows their stuff!!
    This scan is great, I think I also happen to have this one, but still... I just couldn't resist the pull of Subaru-kun's magnetism!

  8. kishuchan Jan 27, 2005

    No sou muito fa destes personagens mas tenho q admitir q a figura esta mto bonita mas ainda sou mais o sorata-kun *__*

  9. Kira-senpai Feb 20, 2005

    thnx!!!! *kisses* *hugs* *falls on her knees* OH master!!!! I was looking for this one for so long....... uffffffffffff........ finally i found it! now i must just reach 10th level to get the big one.... if there is one....... -_-"""" *cries*

  10. HontoniKawaii Feb 23, 2005

    kyaaaaa!!!! What a great image of my beloved Subaru & Seiishiro!!! They are just such a great couple!!!!! LOVE U guys!!! they are just 2 sides of the Yin-Yang in these image!!! - Subaru is a white Omniyuoji while Seiishiro is a black one... ^^

    Thnax for sharing!!!

  11. twinklebyte Apr 01, 2005

    eeek! I've looked for this piccy for ages. Do you also happen to have the 'Bishop' one? *grins*

  12. ArasHidou May 06, 2005

    Hei.. What a good picture!
    Subaru and Seishirou or Sumeragi and Sakurazukamori
    I like Subaru with white hakama. :)

  13. RabienRose May 22, 2005

    This is an awesome piture of Subaru and Seishiro. There both cool characters except once again tokyo babylon is so sad!!! Go pic!!

  14. tobiast88 May 26, 2005

    Sad destiny, intertwining the fates of SUCH HOT GUYS and then killing the coolest one off!!!!!
    Clamp are monsters.
    Anyway, a great scan, as always.
    Which edition of the X DVD has this picture? Because when I find out, I'm so gonna buy it...

  15. kilalamiko06 May 28, 2005

    Very beautiful! The art is wonderful and the colors are very bright and very rich! Thanks so much for sharing it!

    ps, You always find the best images! :D Thanks for sharing them with the eager fans here at MT who absolutely adore you! :)

  16. parami Jun 30, 2005

    Sei-kun X Su-chan, too >___<
    I'll die for this scan >___<
    Tooooo coooool!

  17. yaoiyummy Aug 04, 2005

    awsome pic.... i luv them sooo much!!! they r sooo kwel... hav u seen seishiro in tsubasa yet???

  18. fenglinyin Aug 05, 2005

    Bo beautiful!!!
    I nearly die!
    Seishirou and Subaru!
    They are my favorite~

  19. mirlune Aug 14, 2005

    what a picture! wonderful, the bg is really great, the sakura does really match ^^ my new fav

  20. embershadow Aug 24, 2005

    Yay, this pic... I love it... They're such a tragic couple... but they look so good together... XD

  21. Dejiko-chan Sep 02, 2005

    Oh ! I love them *.* ! + fav

  22. aestalitz Nov 26, 2005

    I like this image, it's so pretty. Will be adding this to favourites! <3

  23. nyno Jun 09, 2006

    wonderful! I love this pic^^
    subaru is so kawaiiiiiiiii!

  24. Beachan18 Oct 22, 2007

    so good! Pretty....

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