What is this? You're trying to do speed record for version 2 of your wallpaper? :D
Actually I think I like this one better simply because you picked different color that is more muted than the first one. Good job on this one too.
I thought I could make a better one and in a diffrent size *hug* so yay for WP done in 15 minutes flat MUHAHAHA
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What is this? You're trying to do speed record for version 2 of your wallpaper? :D
Actually I think I like this one better simply because you picked different color that is more muted than the first one. Good job on this one too.
Hmm, where did you get this scan from? I would appreciate it if you provided me with a link to the scan in my guestbook. The effects of the background are great, even though the background is but a simple gradient. I bet that if you tried to even do anything else with the background, it would appear too cluttered. So, for that, I urge you to work a little harder and try more complex wallpapers, ones without a lot of those effects. See the difference in results then. ;)
Wa........ i like the shinig part and so kawaii
Nice wallpaper. I like it. Thanks :)
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