
Fire Emblem Wallpaper: Landwaste

Nintendo, Fire Emblem, Karel Wallpaper
Nintendo Studio Fire Emblem Game Karel Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Wallpaper of the swordmaster Karel from Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken. Official art of Karel came from Gamespot.com.

I spent a week or so on the background, adjusting colors and burning and picking at it until it was somewhere close to what I wanted. There is a lot of stuff in the background, kind of thrown haphazardly around, so I figure it'll be easier to just let the viewer decide what they see and what they don't.

The stones on the ground turned out a little pixelized after all the abuse I put them through and I thought about fixing it several times, but by the time I was nearing completion I'd figured out I had no idea how to fix it! So hopefully it's not too distracting.

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  1. lthnadml Jul 19, 2005

    Hey! Nice wallie you got there! The background is excellent. XD
    Keep up the good work. XD XD XD

  2. FutureGirlie Jul 20, 2005

    Owww, nice, nice, nice, the effects in the background really fits the guy ^^ good job ^^ I like it very much!
    Keep it up heh!

  3. anji Jul 21, 2005

    An other weird, blurry and nice background from you :)
    I really like the mix of colors and those mountains and pagoda in the back.
    The scan seems a bit transparent and it's a bit weird that we can see the background through the caracter. So maybe the caracter should stand out a bit more.
    But everything blends well together in this wall, so it's still a very nice work.
    I like the setting a lot :)
    I'll fav this ;)

    P.S. I don't think the stones look to much pixelized, it looks good.

  4. SealedSword Sep 12, 2005

    Heeey, its my fav character from FE XD
    Nice one, I've been trying to look for a wallpaper with him in it =P
    Welldone, keep it up!

  5. Inuyasha-FAN Jun 16, 2006

    That's another awesome one! Favs.

  6. thuyxinhdep Dec 15, 2009

    Well done! I really like this wallie!

  7. Crow3333 Jul 28, 2010

    Beautiful background, great job sir.

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