Wow! Nice colors! It's giving me a seizure XP Very nice scan though. Excellent job!
Artist Comment
this is a very very BRIGHT wall O_O, and I know it looks full to *_*.... I don't really like this wall, but might
as well submit it. found scan here on MT. I don't really know if you like this or not. I reused layers on this
wall. (I get lazyer and lazyer each day) *sleeps*
layers - 20
Time- about 3.5hours
enjoy and thank you for looking!
No other submissions
Chloe Retired Moderator Jul 14, 2005
lunar-angel Jul 14, 2005
wow this is such a beautiful wally
I love the detail and the background ^_^
+ to favs
toxictea23 Jul 14, 2005
Hmm seems a bit unorganized ne? Could be a bit more neater. This wall seems a lot like your "Catcher of the light" wall.o.0 I cant really put my finger on it.
Nice job^.^
sukie Jul 14, 2005
wow this is really nice!!!!! i love the effects in the bg!!! you make grest walls!!!! very pretty!!!!!!
ladygoofy Jul 14, 2005
hehehe.....Very colorful :o
It looks nice don't worry it's very pretty :D
And the scan is very cute!
XD I know it's full but it's very colorful and bright...It's all goood... :nya:
Keep up the creative and colorful work k?
Hehe me add wallie to +fav' :nya: -
Kiku-chan Jul 15, 2005
Very colorful.
I think it looks nice :)
Kinda different from your other wall but I like it.
Thanks for sharing! -
PoorPrince Jul 15, 2005
looks so Pretty!!!!!! lookks great, really pretty scan too!!
im adding this to my favs!
keep up the good work! -
fawna-chan Jul 15, 2005
wow, it sure is a bright wallpaper. but i love the colors! great job on this! :)
HotGimmick Jul 15, 2005
Quote by fawna-chanwow, it sure is a bright wallpaper. but i love the colors! great job on this! :)
I agree!
adding this to my favs -
mimia-chan Jul 15, 2005
lol ayasal XD i think your getting some of your wallie names from YU-Gi-Oh cards XD lol so funny ^^
but even though i love all the colors and the scan you used for this+favie
Ayasal Jul 15, 2005
Quote by mimia-chanlol ayasal XD i think your getting some of your wallie names from YU-Gi-Oh cards XD lol so funny ^^
but even though i love all the colors and the scan you used for this+favie
Really?! thats funny lol XP so theres a YU-Gi-Oh cards named like this XP XP thats cool
kajimamidori Jul 15, 2005
AAa ,, Aya-chan! How can yoube so good at walling >.< *jealous* anyway ,, the wallpaper is fantastic !
acid-awakening Jul 15, 2005
Hmmm... i can't tell if it's the background or the scan that looks good
Lolz... i found a part that looks awesome... but it's quite full so i can't really tell
And... It's not soooooo bright
Anywayz... thanx forsharing -
AngelKate Jul 15, 2005
Oh wow, it is very bright. A bit busy too, but still really cool nonetheless. I dunno how you do it. XD Great wall, adding to faves. :)
bbls Jul 15, 2005
this is quite a vivid and vibrant wall! i really luv all the colors in this wall and the rays of light that you added to the scan. it's very beautiful... :D
RahX101 Jul 15, 2005
whoa, so flashy and big O_O its just loaded with different colors and patterns. you dont see many like this. the background is also multicolored to complement the scan and seems to illuminating her. nice job. =]
shinorei Jul 15, 2005
It's not bright and the scan's really beautiful. ^^ Great job!
i love it alot, it's really full to the corners of the wall. wow. *nods* +fav -
ayane-heine Jul 15, 2005
this wallie is abit messy for me.. ^_^'
but the colour matching isn't that bad.. nice one Ayasal.. ^^ -
Ikorus Jul 15, 2005
That's a nice and flashy wall Aya-san! :) It's great how you blended so many colors and pulled it off. I like it. And that's saying a lot because I like moderately-toned or the more monochromatic of wallpapers. ;)
Yina Jul 15, 2005
X__X those many colours keeeel meee.... waii.. I think this one is really too bright and overloaded.. I think I would get shocked every time I look at it.. ^_^' nyaa..
kk-chan Jul 15, 2005
Whoa whoa whoa~~ it's very beautiful! Well, I like it even though it's so colorful... ^-^ well, lively it is! Stunning wallpaper! The scan is very nice too. ^^ +fav
Athrun Jul 15, 2005
...Princess of Tsurugi is a Yu-Gi-Oh card and personally one of my favorites... >_> so I was pretty disapointed when I saw it wasn't... >_> Nice job with the background though...
Lenne Jul 15, 2005
Ooh wow,it's so beautiful!! XD
All these details,she remindes me of some Indian princess with all these peacock feathers.
I just love it and i don't even mind if the colors are bright. :)
Nice! ;) -
shadowdeath Jul 15, 2005
geez... I am freaking out with all the colors and detail! fav+ Great Job....!
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