
Clannad Wallpaper: Winter Stroll

Hinoue Itaru, Key (Studio), Clannad, Nagisa Furukawa Wallpaper
Hinoue Itaru Mangaka Key (Studio) Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Nagisa Furukawa Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well, another 2048 x 1536 sized, high-quality wallpaper by me. XD This one features Nagisa Furukawa from Clannad. The original scan was by gakura.

When I saw the scan, I knew a winter scenery background fitted the theme best. I used a regular round brush to create the snow and the snow fall. I used some tree brushes to create the trees in the background.And the mists and clouds were done using brushes as well. The stars (don't know if it can be seen well on thumbnail) and the moon I added to liven up the sky, I like celestial objects in wallpapers.

Anyway, about 6 or 7 hours on the wallpaper and 27 layers in Photoshop. All comments are appreciated. I hope you like it!

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  1. RahX101 Jul 12, 2005

    its gianormous XD the scan could use some cleaning up to better match the background but its a nice wall none the less. ^^

  2. magda Jul 12, 2005

    Hello!! I think that is fantastic wall and also I consider that wall is high-quality.
    !!Good Work¡¡¡. Kisses. XP

  3. keithfiannn Banned Member Jul 12, 2005

    WOW. this is like a close up of the picture, How cute
    it is, I've come for the pic...............................

  4. MoonlightEternity Jul 12, 2005

    oo i like the background the most! :D the scan fits in really well too
    great large size lol ^^

    thanks for sharing!

  5. Kenichi Jul 12, 2005

    wai what a pretty wally. i like the bg. i like snow..

    its snowling its snowling! XD

  6. yuiyui01 Jul 12, 2005

    wahhhhhhhhhh!! HQ quality wallie!!
    like it very much ;) and the girll looks cute!
    quite a cool bg too!
    good job!! XD

  7. Silvandragon17 Jul 13, 2005

    *in awe* Great job on this wallie! I love the winter theme and the background gives off a serene and tranquil vibe. Keep up the good work! :D

  8. AngelKate Jul 13, 2005

    Holy crap, it's huge! XD But it's really well done, the scan fits the winter scene really well. Nice job!

  9. KuroiDoragon Jul 14, 2005

    Great wallpaper, the scan blends nicely with the background. The bg really says that it's winter.

  10. kara Jul 16, 2005

    Looks great ^^ lol the moon itself looks like a giant snowball XD
    The large size is nice except it was tough on my poor old dial up OX
    But anyway, great work^^

  11. ttwen Jul 21, 2005

    omg this is pretty big, and not to mention high quality >.<
    well, it's great!! goes to my favs :)

  12. flamealchimist Jul 27, 2005

    i love the bg on this wallpaper and the girl goes really well!
    adding to my fav.

  13. rmuyo Aug 02, 2005

    I love this one, it actually feels cold to me, that is awesome. And It is so cool to see her waiting in the picture as if waiting for me and happy to see me, nice job. A favorite.

  14. s9031496c Banned Member Aug 14, 2005

    Hey......pretty wallie if ya ask me.....The scan is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keep it up!^_^

  15. strawberrt Aug 14, 2005

    what a lovely wallpaper! ^^ The tress look very nice, and the setup is awesome! Great job!

  16. Emma Aug 23, 2005

    This is really beautiful and inspiring! I love winter scenes and when I saw this, I captivated *smiles*

    The scan is so cute and the scene so enchanting. I wonder though how it is snowing on such a clear night? ^_~
    Also becareful with the stars and the moon layer order. I don't think stars are supposed to be seen through or in front of the moon.

    Overall--it is very beautiful!!

  17. SealedSword Sep 18, 2005

    Hey, I love the background
    It looks really soothing and nice =P
    The title really does fir in with it, as does the girl XD
    Nice one, keep it up! = )

  18. Zero8888 Mute Member Dec 23, 2005

    keep it up

  19. ronvic101 Mar 30, 2008

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for this pic!

    Added to fave.

  20. theartmaster Nov 18, 2008

    Love it! The trees and snow were done well.

  21. theremosster Dec 02, 2008

    epic wallpaper great work

  22. nanaa-chan Dec 08, 2008

    wow exactly for winter ^.^

  23. garyloice Apr 01, 2009


  24. cassandra21t Nov 08, 2009

    toujours jolie image de saison

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