
Naru Nanao Wallpaper: Loneliness in the Night

Naru Nanao Wallpaper
Naru Nanao Mangaka

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The third of this kind that I make, um... but I like it!!!

I think the char fits well ... I worked for a while on it, and now I show it to you...XD

So, tell me what you think and Enjoy!!!! ^_^

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  1. GundamZZ Retired Moderator May 30, 2004

    it has a similar theme to ur Mystical Night wall which is good...i love these mysterious night walls and u really matched the colours well with the character image.... +fav ^_^

    ps. the only thing u can fix is the white outline on the mountains XD

  2. Aurion May 30, 2004

    I'm pretty fond of the background; it's nicely done, but it doesn't draw attention away from the figure. And the figure itself fits in fairly well with the overall atmosphere (I don't think she's from Da Capo, though :p).

  3. KohakuXP May 30, 2004

    The scan is pretty common but the background is very nice made, and the grass are very nicely done :)

    fav :)

  4. Noctum May 30, 2004

    I really like the colours in this one. :)

  5. Adrima May 30, 2004

    really cute ^^
    the catgirl fit so cool with the moon in the backround :)
    *taking to favs*

  6. charite May 30, 2004

    Adorable picture, i really like that one.

  7. Zabel May 30, 2004

    I love that wallp ! XD add to favorite

  8. may May 30, 2004

    Looks great. I think the highlight around the font looks a little jagged.. but I like the detail work and your color coordination ^_^ .. Yeah.. ilke GundamZZ said.. if you got rid of the outline around the mountains, I think it'd look much cleaner! ^_^ Really nice job though.. love the calm feeling of the wall! Very cute~

  9. Vequinox May 30, 2004

    Wow! Love the color theme and the whole wall!

  10. minyu May 30, 2004

    I love it ^-^

  11. dMp May 30, 2004

    clark kennt eh? lol..j/p. good work.

  12. Taurec May 30, 2004

    nicely done,

    you could try to place her a little backwards and place some grass in front of her, this would make her stand in the field..

    the mountains .. nothing what the burn tools couldn't fix.
    and the light falling over her is a very nice trick :)

    some minor glitches but it's very nice :)

  13. Albatross1 May 30, 2004

    Incredible background - well done!

  14. chibikko May 30, 2004

    wow this is a great one > fav

  15. Shota May 30, 2004

    dont have much to say other than i like it alot

  16. Cloudnine May 31, 2004

    Lovely scenery~ though I don't know which Da Capo character she is XD

    Excellent work =3

  17. kc2 May 31, 2004

    I don't really know if it is from Da Capo, i put there because that was the name that was in the scan........ sorry... XD. And thanks for your comments! ^_^

  18. danoz May 31, 2004

    This is a very good wallpaper, very well done! Love the purple, we always need more purple walls. You did a great job layering it too, with the background, trees and grass, its very deep. Oh, and i love the sparkles around the text, you must tell me where you get em from :)

  19. Mizuki-Chan May 31, 2004

    *cries* I'm so jealous...I love your bg!

  20. Virus610 May 31, 2004

    ooooOOOOOOOooooooooo how pretty! if you'd be so kind to make one in 2048x1536 i'll set it as my wallpaper XD really nicely done =D

  21. tiantito Jun 01, 2004

    really good one

  22. CGE Jun 01, 2004

    Ooh...I love your BG, especially how you changed the focus on particular elements like the tree branches to give the image depth. *wishes that she could make scenic BGs like that T.T*

  23. seta_chan Jun 01, 2004

    lovely scenery
    excellent work

  24. irix Jun 01, 2004

    the words no come to me... kawaii!!!! XD

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