
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Wallpaper: [Stand by my side..]

TYPE-MOON, Melty Blood, Shingetsutan Tsukihime, Akiha Tohno Wallpaper
TYPE-MOON Studio Melty Blood Visual Novel Shingetsutan Tsukihime Series,Visual Novel Akiha Tohno Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Vector Created By Samanosuke89^.^[b]
Note: Wallpaper made while mourning loss of dear friend

Sorry if my wallpaper looks a bit bad...as it usually is...but i was very stressed about the fact that i lost a very dear friend of mine yesterday morning. So this one is dedicated to her. To a strong girl, a strong woman, who could of achieved many things in her life...if she hadnt passed on. T.T a girl, who had worked soo hard to finally see her graduating year of highschool..but didnt make it that far....This one is for you T.T

About 45 layers...some merged together..but 45 is the end total...
3-4 hours..
Music: Se7en-Must listen album.

I hope you enjoy it...
i worked extremely hard on this...although i know it turned out terrible.
So you may hate on this wall to your own content.
Comments are welcome..^.^

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  1. GranWipeOut Jul 11, 2005

    Its cool im adding it 2 my favs just because i said so so if u got a prob with that ill just go all crazy ON YUR ASS

  2. hiddensnakehands Jul 11, 2005

    hey this is such a strong wallpaper, i really like it, thumbs up to you

  3. SweetGrl Jul 11, 2005

    Awesome job on the wall!! Very pretty!!! Keep up the good work!! ^_^

  4. Sunira Jul 11, 2005

    My Sympathies to you.
    I hope your dear friend found the best in the afterlife. <3

  5. miyukikobayakawa Jul 11, 2005

    my condolences to those she left behind her in this world. and a nice wallpaper. *adds to favs

  6. Siri Jul 11, 2005

    My condolences to you tea...
    Also I think the wallpaper has a really great idea and design,
    the building in the back might look a little too plain and stands out a little but
    good job ^_^

  7. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Jul 11, 2005

    Sorry for your lost

    1.-Bad extraction,the hair of both girls seems odd,also their legs
    2.-The clouds dont look too realistics,u can work with the cloud filter and some other filters to make a more decent and realistic amount of clouds.
    3.-The shadow of them looks also odd,maybe a change on the opacity and the size will make it look better.
    4.-Maybe u can add more depth to those walls using textures,gradients and the burn tool
    5.-Those black trees dont fit with the daylight scene
    6.-The text seems out of place,maybe u can make it look like a graffitti on the wall or something,also maybe another font will be nice.

    Good concept,but need a lot of work into it...

  8. fooblued Jul 11, 2005

    I really like the background you made, you definitely are building some skill with the vector work and texture. +fav

  9. Kiako Jul 11, 2005

    nice wallpaper.
    well the tree on the right looks a bit strange and the stand by my side text isn't fiting. the house looks a bit strange especialy the door, the shadows on the ground have a strange form
    and the clouds could use some more work. and the thing on the left that looks like a wall or something looks strange, like a piece of paper, and the thing infront of it with some more text also.

  10. Lenne Jul 11, 2005

    I'm sorry for your los.
    Girl, this is one of your best.I really love it.Specially the meaning of it.I like the desing and the colors.

  11. echidnaboy726 Jul 12, 2005

    Pfft. Horrible, my ass. This is really great, and I think your friend would've been honoured. It was good of you to do this, you know...

  12. bbls Jul 12, 2005

    i'm so sorry for your loss... -_-

    your wall here is very touching and is quite meaningful. you have a very nice concept, and i really luv the meaning behind the text that you have added to your wall. but the buildings in the background look a bit flat. overall your wall is very touching and emotional.

  13. jotfif Jul 13, 2005

    Quote by foobluedI really like the background you made, you definitely are building some skill with the vector work and texture. +fav

    toxic tea rulez your walls are the best i cant make any houses or any thing really

  14. kyubinaruto Jul 13, 2005

    I love how the fonts blend to the background ^^ and the name of the school looks real, great job on that! Really has a great concept but if only the school can looks a bit more realistic >.<

  15. sukie Jul 13, 2005

    you did all the bg!!!! wow!!!!! *jar drop* this is soooo good!!!! i still can't believe you did the whole bg...it is soooo good!!!! must have taken you a while...
    ...i miss Samanosuke89 too...

    great wall though...he'll love it!!!

  16. YugureKaze Jul 17, 2005

    the bg looks amazing ^_^
    it is a beautiful wall
    amazing work!

    [May your memory of your friend be forever eched into this wall...]

  17. wjyeoh Sep 27, 2005

    where can i find a group wallpaper

  18. FreedomAngel Nov 27, 2005

    A quite good wallpaper. Keep'up the good job ! ;)

  19. only00 Mute Member Jun 12, 2010

    Wow \*W*/ That's very beautiful! Thank you very much!

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