File this one under girls scans and my favorites list. ^_^
i loved this little Sister Act that thse two charas(Tatra and Tarta) provided during the second season of MKR. :D
another scan from my illustration trading cards
collection :)
this one seems to be Atsuko Ishida's style.
Browse Magic Knight Rayearth Gallery: Recent | Popular.
File this one under girls scans and my favorites list. ^_^
i loved this little Sister Act that thse two charas(Tatra and Tarta) provided during the second season of MKR. :D
tatra is really a huge fan of tea, isn't she?
Kawaii, i really love Tata an Tatra, they are soy kawaii
Great scan,
Thanks 4 sharing
Las princesas de Chizeta! Yey una de las hermanas me mataba de la risa n_n.
;O! estaba buscando esta imagen hace tiempo gracias!
I love that set of cards. I have quite a few of them myself
gracias por la foto...esta genial....^^
Mi favourite pic, they are really beautiful
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