
D Gray-Man Wallpaper: In my dreams

Katsura Hoshino, TMS Entertainment, D Gray-Man, Timcanpy, Allen Walker Wallpaper
Katsura Hoshino Mangaka TMS Entertainment Studio D Gray-Man Series Timcanpy Character Allen Walker Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Scan is D Gray-man: Allen Walker, from here in MT. Text was random, and not catchy at all, so I hope people won't be able to really read the small text. XD I like the font though. Typical sky + grass wall, but it's my first, so :P.

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  1. Angel-on-Dragon Jul 10, 2005

    Nice bg. I like the moon. It really looks cool. And the scan's cool as well. It's quite funny that she has one angel and one demon wing.
    Thanks for sharing *adds to fav*

  2. rocknroll-isgo Jul 10, 2005

    I really like the unique feel this wall has. You don't see many colors/scan like this used. Has a nice fantasy look to it.

    I'll be faving, Saluki. ^^

  3. ayaki Jul 10, 2005

    wooo..this is one cool wall...
    i like what u did to the sky...it matches with the scan
    what is the white stuff on his shirt @_@ woo....
    one thing..u can add a bit more texture on the fence.
    other than that..it looks awesome.....!!

  4. Sayonara Jul 11, 2005

    wow! i really like this wall. Pretty and awesome at the same time. great one! Thanks for sharing, hope to see more of you ^_______^

  5. flyindreams Jul 12, 2005

    Ohhh... damn awesome style you got going there for this wall ^.^ The background looks fantastic, especially with the bright blue colors, and the girl looks so stylish. A bit disturbing with the acid-eaten clothes, but cool. I really like the font that you used actually... and overall this is just a damn cool wall. Fabulous job!

  6. anji Jul 15, 2005

    I agree it's an unusual scan...
    I like the design of the fence a lot.
    The font is cool, like how you managed to emphasize on the title.
    Really nice texture overall, everything match well together.
    Even though it's a typical star field, it's nicely done...
    Keep it up like that! ;)

  7. FALH Jul 20, 2005

    just starting to read this manga and finish the chapter 20
    well nice wallpaper,awsome bg,good work on the scan

    well,good wallpaper bacause there is not much D Graym man Wallpaper ^^

  8. fifaifo Jul 31, 2005

    Oh my god. This is the best wallpaper i've seen using this image! Kudos to you. +fav!

  9. ruiwen Aug 04, 2005

    nice!! but i wish he wont look so girlish here!! haha.. the bg is great!!

  10. SpiffyBug Sep 04, 2005

    I just became a fan of D.Gray-man and was looking for some cool wallpapers. This one's great! Though I must admit I prefer Allen w/fluffier hair. :P

  11. hana-kun Sep 18, 2005

    Yay Allen! :) This is defintely one of the better D.Gray walls out there.

    And I agree with SpiffyBug, I liked fluffy haired Allen as well.

  12. DarkCyradis Feb 26, 2006

    Wow, this is a great wallpaper! I especially love that star-specked sky~~ <3 The mood of the sky and wind-blown grass is creepily perfect for D.gray-man (and this pic of Allen in particular-- I'll never know how he manages to look both adorable and gothically creepy at the same time... ^^)

  13. Ryouko Mar 21, 2006

    great wallpaper. sweet golem ^_^ rare to see the flying little thingie. Hehe. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work!

  14. mewmeow Mar 29, 2006

    beautiful choice of picture and good extracting. i'm just not very partial to the fence/balcony-thing

  15. CitraZaoldyeck Banned Member Aug 12, 2006

    cool job >_<

    i like allan soooo much in that pic >_<

    thx for sharing

  16. wakeupangel Dec 16, 2007

    Very nice wallpaper! I love how the picture and background are nowhere near the same color- and yet oddly enough, mesh very well. I don't like the fence much but still, unique work here.

  17. 2clio7 Nov 07, 2009

    gracias por el aporte
    me encanta esta serie

    amo a ciel y a sebas

  18. ArianaCh Feb 20, 2010

    its pretty nice! ??? ------------------------------------------

  19. kimjae02 Mar 29, 2010

    thank you for sharing

  20. screxmo Aug 13, 2010


    thx 4 sharing

  21. Ulquiorra210 Aug 18, 2010

    thank you for sharing this nice picture ^^

  22. Dreamstar Mar 24, 2011

    LOVE IT! its soooo frickin' adorable!

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