
Shin Megami Tensei: Jack o'Frost

Kazuma Kaneko, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, Shin Megami Tensei, Jack Frost (Persona)


Artwork is from the Shin Megami Tensei series by Kazuma Kaneko. The scans were done by me from "Kazuma Kaneko Works I".

Note: Kazuma-san is my 2nd favorite video game designer after Amano. This book contains sketches of characters that appear in the Megaten series. The titles stay true to Kazuma's and refer to various Asian gods and deities etc.

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  1. Kougaxgirl Jul 25, 2005

    omg lol he is simply adorable! *huggles him* aww he's so sweet too! oh i love love love him! hehe XP

  2. smilebit Aug 01, 2005

    now this is my kind of dude. look at that smile, look at it. absolutely beautiful. a little chubby, for my tastes, but hey.

  3. AgataMare Sep 08, 2005

    I LOVE SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI!!!! It's my favourite game!!! I like both Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga!! I like all those demons! I like Cielo! I like Kazuma Kaneko! But Jack Frost always makes me high prices when I have to buy Chakra Drops...

  4. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Nov 23, 2005

    waaaahh.. >.< kawaaiiiiii! *-*

    *cuts him out and takes him home in a witto baggy *


  5. Jember880314 Sep 15, 2007

    So Cute like snowman too

  6. InsidiousMaverick Apr 09, 2008

    Yeah, you're looking at the (un)official mascot of Atlus. It's no wonder it's on most Shin Megami Tensei games.

    Nice find with the artwork. Post more.

  7. narine Aug 20, 2010

    Cute scan. Thanks a lot for uploading.

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