
Naruto Wallpaper: Ninja's Band

Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki Wallpaper
Masashi Kishimoto Mangaka Naruto Series Sasuke Uchiha Character Sakura Haruno Character Naruto Uzumaki Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is my first attempt to make a "realistic" background (in the way that I've tried to insert the characters in a particular scenery). Don't know if the wallie is good or not :/ Don't know how to juge it >.<

Don't hesitate to make suggestions if U have any ! I'm waiting for them ^^

(49 layers and approximativly 10/12 hours spent : detouring of the characters was pretty long)

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  1. fawna-chan Jul 08, 2005

    hm...it looks pretty nice. kinda realistic, i guess. althoughi would suggest a different color, but it still looks pretty nice. :)

  2. Regnak Jul 09, 2005

    Naruto rocks!!!! :)

    i love kakashi in the drums. XD

    Good wall. Nice work.

  3. Zanejin Jul 09, 2005

    Wow, honestly, I really like this wallpaper, even more so after knowing how much effort you put into making it. The stage is quite realistic and the images were cut out well. Good job! I have no criticism to offer.

  4. vfan Jul 10, 2005

    lol very cool .. I always find these type of naruto wallpaper awesome! great work!

  5. prizz Jul 11, 2005

    Whoaw!!! You're good! I like the idea! Thanks for sharing!!
    ......................... ^_^ V,, .........................

  6. ShadowX87 Jul 13, 2005

    very nice wall! the Konoha team 7 rock band! naruto looks pumped!

  7. AngelGirlDarkVersion Jul 18, 2005

    LOL, its a very funny wallpaper, sasuke is so cool with the guitar, thanks for sharing this wall

  8. FALH Jul 21, 2005

    *set it to my background desktop*
    it's looks cool,good work u did on the bg,nice light effect for this Shinobi band

    maybe more work for clean and improve the quality of the scan but it's ok

    really good wallpaper ---> +fav

  9. wanderer555 Jul 25, 2005

    ooooooooo.............really nice........theyre costumes look different from their original costumes..........i really like the look of kakashi doing the drums on the background scene.............(its understandable that naruto would be the one singing cosidering hes the one with the really loud voice).................XD

  10. Lolita69 Oct 16, 2005

    That is awsome... I can't do something like this to save my frickin life T_T and at least you can do something this cool..... XD :nya: ^_^' OX T_T >.< >_< x_x

  11. -Azumi-chan- Feb 03, 2006

    I LOVE IT! thanks for sharing it and keep working! add top my fav! ;)

  12. whaiteangel Feb 15, 2006

    its cooooooooool i hope you made more cools naruto walls ^ _ ^ .

  13. Melanie1993 Jul 07, 2006

    Nice wallpaper!

  14. lotusblossom523 Dec 10, 2006

    I've seen these stock images used in so many different wallpapers, and I can say with certainty that this one's my favorite! Usually, the characters are kinda floating around a colored background, but I really like how you actually placed them on a stage with spotlights and everything! :) I love the little icon in the bottom right too! You obviously spent a lot of time on this, and it definitely paid off! *faves*

    Sasuke & Kakashi = the smex in this wall. <3

  15. martinachan Feb 10, 2009

    haha... this

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