
Chobits Wallpaper: DeADly BeautiFUL__

CLAMP, Madhouse, Chobits, Freya Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Chobits Series Freya Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi! Many submissions in a week... it's clear I'm sick :) This time is my first Chobits wallie! I always wanted to make one, but Chii's hair wasn't something I could deal with. (and still can't) With Photoshop I'm trying to improve... I don't know if I achieving it, but I'm doing my best. However, I have much fun making this one, it's my first darkie wallie. And I think I'll do many ones since now.

About this wallie concept: I really think that many times things which look beautiful, perfect, with that tempting flame, can be mortal. Specially when it's something bad (illegal). Sometimes you know it's bad, but you let it cautivate you and feel "good", because you know you never will be able to stop it. That's sometimes sad and unfair, but the world is like that, there're lots of bad things that happen and can't be stopped. This can be your relationship with a person, a hobbie, drugs, whatever you can think. I personally hate changes. Although a change could improve my life, when I get used to something, I think it's good and perfect, and I don't want to stop making/having/any verb it. That's why I often have problems with other people. My motto is "I'm alone, I don't change, I don't disturb anybody. Why is everybody speaking to me and disturbing me?" because that's something often happens to me. I'm so in my own world, with my beautiful/mortal stuff, so in my inn, and people wants to take me out. Why? Let me alone, I don't disturb anyone!

*One aclaration: I don't take drugs or anything like that, I'm not crazy... my beautiful/mortal stuff is other... please don't disturb me... *

On the wallie itself: I love it! Red and black, like many people like. Red flames, Dark Chii, great combination! Loving it!
Working time: 5 hours
Layers: 14
Brushes from: http://www.aethereality.net - a site I'm trying to find again... if they are yours tell me!
Pic from: http://asuka.metropoliglobal.net (I don't know if this site still exists)

This wallie is kinda ephemeral, it's not pretended to be very realistic... I hope you understand my concept.
Hope you like it!

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  1. miraku-spike Jul 06, 2005

    OMG! I love this wallpaper of Chi! It's very stunning. Well, kind of. But it's still a realy great wallpaper thou! XD I eve like the bacgkround! Great job! This is going in my favs for sureXD

  2. studio Jul 07, 2005

    Great wallpaper Aoko-chan. Chicken pox anybetter? ^_^ I luff the red and the original scan was lovely. Like it.

  3. PinayShouri Sep 01, 2005

    Aoko-chan... i love your wall paper... it's really nice... keep up the good work...

  4. thedoublefinger Jan 11, 2006

    The title definitely fits! She's soooo beautiful... The red color also really fits to the "deadly" idee. Great one!

  5. Heart-Eternal Jul 05, 2006

    WOW! ITS BETTER THAN THE ORIGNAL! lol ^_^ awsome job! It brings out the darkness in Chi. Getting a feeling of the Power of Seduction or some crap like that. T.T Boys! pace urselves :P lol

  6. Alucard606 Jan 17, 2009

    Wow thi is amazing and i love the clouds great work it looks amazing

  7. shalmalitrc Jan 12, 2010

    this is beautiful and breathtaking truly love it!

  8. cahe64 Jun 23, 2010

    The red fits her perfectly well.

  9. ghazalkashani Jul 17, 2013

    Wow this wall and the special red color of it is so beautiful
    Wonderful work

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