
Angel Dust Wallpaper: It`s just a matter of time :: ..

Aoi Nanase, Angel Dust, Musia Haga Wallpaper
Aoi Nanase Mangaka Angel Dust Series Musia Haga Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another wall from me! ^.^ comments please!

layers- 20
hours- 2-3
place- room
music- fall out boy
date- july 4th
title- it`s just a matter of time :: . .


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  1. eclair-chan Jul 05, 2005

    wow cute wallie I love it the scan is so cute ans the bg is awsome thanks for the share +favs XD

  2. Kiako Jul 05, 2005

    nice wallpaper, the girl is very pretty. and the background looks good too.
    keep it up

  3. ltnguyen Jul 05, 2005

    I like the background that you made. However, what does this wall have to do with the title??? I think the girl goes with the background quite well color-wise, but not really other than that.

  4. abc123 Jul 05, 2005

    Lol, another? That's 3 in a day! XD Very nice :]
    Another one of my favs :p

  5. soujiokita Jul 05, 2005

    well, it doesn't really matter, bu this wall should go under Aoi Nanase. This pic was drawn by her. I can recognize her drawings.
    Okay, let's cut to the comment, like I always say, very nice wall. The colors and stars are very beautiful. Another wonderful job. +fav

  6. Dufoe88 Jul 05, 2005

    ^^ very cool wallpaper.. i really like it.. you really work good in it..
    adding to my fav for sure :nya:
    hope to see more from you..
    and by the way... where do you get the scans ?

  7. silverdragon Jul 05, 2005

    I also like this wall :) I think the colours are great and match the pic. I just don't like the text and that circle that's behind it.

  8. bbls Jul 05, 2005

    this is not a crappy wall! the background is very nice and sparklie, and the dark pink in your sky brings out the scan very nicely! altho' i thought that the extraction may need a tad bit more work because we can see white edges, especially around the ribbons. but your wall is so cute... :D

  9. zaira Jul 05, 2005

    welll the bg space looks busy! the stars are soo many and the comets as well but nice concept of the wall! nice work on the moon and some misty stuffs. for the scan well cute scan! but overall again nice try ;)

  10. MadMover Jul 05, 2005

    Hey she's Sakura-chan from Da Capo! A really cute (if somewhat obsessive) little sister type. Thanks for sharing! +fav!

  11. zakaro Jul 05, 2005

    why you dislike your wallie??
    it's just too cute :nya: !! and i love aoi nanase art ;)

  12. mYNamEisMimOxxx Jul 05, 2005

    question: what anime is this from? is it aoi nanase art? or is it da capo?
    because one said da capo and two said aoi nanase art... ^_^'


  13. MagicianFairy Jul 06, 2005

    i like ittttttttttttttttttttttttt!!
    i dont have more words!!! :) :) :D :D :nya: :nya:

  14. fawna-chan Jul 07, 2005

    wow! i love it! how could you not like it? the background's perfect and the scan looks great with it, and you did such a great job! :D

  15. Ephemeral-Garden Jul 08, 2005

    Wow, this wallie is just wonderful with all the meteors falling down and bright sparkles all over. I also like the bright earth behind the chara, it's really wonderful! You've done a very great job with the background. However, the girl chara's extraction isn't that good, there's white lines visible around her ribbon. However, it's another great wallie~

  16. sukie Jul 10, 2005

    wow!!!! man this is beatuiful!!! the bg is perfect! and the extraction is sooo clean!!! great job on a beautiful wall!!!!! my dear friend!

  17. Ikorus Jul 14, 2005

    Hmmm...It feels so mystical, and eerie somehow. I think it's because of the title. It's like those really pretty comets are going to end up destroying the moon. But the extraction of the scan needs work because I still see white lines around her. But all in all, wonderful wallpaper.

  18. rmuyo Jul 18, 2005

    Another wonderful wallpaper and another cute girl, I love the mix of snow with shooting stars, very pretty and very nicely done.

  19. AnimeGoddess Jul 22, 2005

    ya know u shouldnt say its a crappy wall because ITS NOT crappy!!!!!!!! i really like this wall and u should appreciate the talent u have. o and this is going to my faves......lol, well, c ya around Mimo :)

  20. HisDivineShadow Jul 28, 2005

    A most impressive wall! I like the contrast between her hair and the other colors quite a bit. Makes her stand out amongst the stars.

  21. fuuiin Jul 29, 2005

    actually i like it. it shows you put in a lot of work and didn't just scan it.

  22. shirokaze Oct 09, 2005

    Impressive background with all of the cloud and the shooting star.
    The character scan is great.
    I love it XD

  23. chibinezumii Oct 20, 2005

    beautiful scan and beautiful colors! keep making wallpapers like this! im an admirer!!

  24. sesshoumara Nov 14, 2005

    she looks cute and loveable. love this wallpaper!

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