amigo esto esta magnifico... el efecto del fuego esta que alucina..... disculpa por escribirlo en espa~ol, pero ando algo fastidiada del ingles hoy ^^
SAk.... Sigue asi ^^
Hi all!!!
It's been quite a while since I submitted something :\ ... but I wanted to take my time doing this one and I also
have been a bit lazy so this had been sitting on my PC for some time until I decided to work on it and here is the final
result XD
Once again I went for the abstract but with a nice touch of fire... wich is what motivated me the most of this one, I
don't know I guess it gives it life and intensity :hmpf: I'd like to thank kino for submitting this awesome
scan... here is the link: Shaman King by kino
and though I had to work it a bit besides the extraction it's of great quality ;)
So tell me what you think :D
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amigo esto esta magnifico... el efecto del fuego esta que alucina..... disculpa por escribirlo en espa~ol, pero ando algo fastidiada del ingles hoy ^^
SAk.... Sigue asi ^^
Si, realmente en un wallpaper bastante chidoliro. Felicidades por tu trabajo
I really like your fire versus some of the other fire that's rolling out these days. Fire isn't only red. The effects are done really well, especially the highlight that is surrounding his upper body. BtW, I know you didn't mean this, but do you realize that the texturing of the darkness surrounding him actually resembles a dragon until the image is enlarged? The should of the forequarters in on the right. the bottom left is his clawed foot coming around the edge of his fire breath. If you reverse the upper left image and tilted it down, that would be the dragons head. Our hero would be standing in a halo of protection in the middle of a smolder patch of his breath. Obviously once the image is enlarge that whole concept is lost, but it was the first thing I noticed.
Oww... Nice wallie. I love the fire effects. Nice scan of Yao too. ;) Great job and adding to favs!
OoOo! shaman king! DUN DUN DUN! i like the name you've given it! hehe very nice! but anyway the whole thing just looks fantastic! and yes i agree with alisha, i like them a lot too! hehe! yes yes anyway i love love love it and keep it up bud-aye! XP laters!
wow Yoh O_O
is good to see a shaman king wall
great work with the fire around him
not big fan of the liquid bg
but nice abstract work
and again great work with the fire wish can do something like that
Yay!! very cool pose of You ...
really cool .. thx for that ^^
Great job! The colors of the scan and the background match perfectly! I like the fire effect, it is elegant ans subtle, vibrant and dynamic, it almost seems alive! Beautiful use of lighting effects and the scan blends nicely in the background! It an excellent job muy friend, one of the best I've seen lately!
Quote by SakuraCorazonnwaooooo....excelent...
amigo esto esta magnifico... el efecto del fuego esta que alucina..... disculpa por escribirlo en espa~ol, pero ando algo fastidiada del ingles hoy ^^
SAk.... Sigue asi ^^
lo mismo opino.........jajajajaja
omg.. so pretty!!!.. XD me love shaman king.. yoh is so cool.. oo.. i really like the backgroung! it fits perfectly! I really like the fire, looks real.. and i like how it is surrounding yoh.. very cool! great job.. (favs)
wow thats great! i love shaman king, the background is cool, and the images is great...nice work! (n_n)
Teehee nice!!! Abstract *_* I really love the fire!! But maybe you could place Yoh's right foot in front of the
dark bit of fire instead of behind it? iono...
But regardless I like it lots! XD
nice wallie oh yoh!
That Io didn't dance with fire he/she danced on the, ok, for its way of acting, for the way in each situation that
entered without making nada,jaja
Very good series
amazing image is really cool!!!!! my sister love it!!!!! good work men!!!! thanks for share your image ;)
amigo esto esta magnifico... el efecto del fuego esta que alucina..... disculpa por escribirlo en espa~ol, pero ando algo fastidiada del ingles hoy ^^
SAk.... Sigue asi ^^
it's like a dark guy in the middle of fire.. nice to see Yoh that way.. great..
It's Revan! o___o (*pokes*) Been a while since I've seen U walled! Ah, and it's a flaming Shaman King wallie also! :) The fire effects on da bottom look crazy cool, and reallie give off such flair to Yoh plus his colors match real well! The dark chrome looks a bit wierd for my taste, but meh can't complain! Everything else looks good, Revan! XD
hello: a greeting and as always I congratulate you for your exelente work the image of Shaman King this very good thank you to put it
Very nice use of fire! I love it! It's really good! ^^ And the effects around the character are amazing!
Also, this is very diferent from what I'm used to see from you ^^ you are trying new things, right? ^^
Well, you did a vey good job, keep it up!
Very good work friend! I like much the fire effect, sees itself really well. The scene you have had left very well. The image also is very good. Good work! ;)
Cool! The character really blends well with the fiery background. Well done! :)
Oh I loved this anime. I watched the whole thing in like 3 days. I love the liquid flames. That is a great shot of Yoh, most others that I've seen make him look goofy.
Wow. That looks great! Reminds me a lot of Hao :nya: Hmmm... That's the best part XP
But really, Yoh looks great in that. Good one! ;)
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