
Ys Wallpaper: Symphonie des Sans

Shunsuke Taue, Ys Wallpaper
Shunsuke Taue Mangaka Ys Game

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Symphonie des sans = Sound / tone of Symphonie
Listening to: Juliette - The last Unicorn

Ys again ^-^" At first I tryed to recg the originalscan and i hope u all see that the road isn't a road, it's a lil' river.. ;_;. But then i wanted to make a Wall like those Indian-posters again, they are just so filled with dreams XD. bwa made the Sky with Vue and gave it a special atmosphere with photoshop.

Time: 6 Hours | Layers: 50 | PSD-Size: 40 MB

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  1. tareren Jun 26, 2005

    Hmm, I think the planets doesnt really fit in... and the tower at the right side looks as if it is transparent (can see the yellow path) >.< other than that I think this wall is good....
    I love the sky XD

  2. Susan-chan Jun 26, 2005

    hehee^^ so u submitted this great wally^^ just as i told u: i very like this sceneric wally! the scan is good quality , the colors are very warm and the sky is perfect ;) ;)

  3. Sukii Jun 26, 2005

    wai great wall ^-^ I agree with Susan-chan. The sky is perfect. Good work! keep it up ^^

  4. ayanechan Jun 26, 2005

    everything looks good except for those planet thingies :3 i don't think they should be hidden under the whole sky thing but it looks pretty anyways :D

  5. AWS Jun 26, 2005

    Like it.
    The ambient warmth is really well balanced and the sun and sky are soooo pwetty :)

  6. Yina Jun 26, 2005

    it's got a funny resolution.. ^_^' The composition is great.. also like the colours and the atmosphere.. but I think the two planets are somehow out of place... O__O why are they there?? the bushes are too sharp and I wouldn't have blurred the scan.. nonetheless.. nice work ^^

  7. white-zero Jun 26, 2005

    I dunno. The planet/moon kinda look out of place and the text can do more fixing.

    But the BG looks awesome. Well done and a fav from me.

  8. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jun 26, 2005

    Just needs a moon faded in the beautiful sky thats all and together it would look perfect. Great job on the scan and wish there oritental indian design around there somewhere but thats just me! :P

  9. CelestialFairy69 Jun 27, 2005

    I LOVE IT!!
    the bg is awesome, amazing, nice, good, excellent, perfectttttt...........!!!!
    i dont have more words to described it ^^

  10. zaira Jun 27, 2005

    wow!! soo pwettie sunset wall! the first look i thought the river was a road hehe but its totally a river! nice scene! and i also love your scan! it fits the whole bg!! nice job!+fav!

  11. Spriggan Jun 30, 2005

    pretty nice..I like the warm color and the sunset view..its calm and relaxing...I just thought that the planets weren't necessary there..at least one of them..its adetails though :P ..oh and yeah , most of all , wonderful scan!

  12. kailord Aug 31, 2005

    Cool wallpaper here. What I like best is the sky in the wallpaper. Only thing is that the brushes in the background do look a little plain and could've used a little more detail.

  13. Melisandre Mar 31, 2007

    Amazing bg

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