what a nice bg! :nya:
and you are right , they are cute ^^
Artist Comment
Here are the first cute girls of kafra HQ.They are so cute don`t you think.Sorry about the lineart around them ,have to copyed them from a srceen shot.
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MagicianFairy Jun 22, 2005
Kiako Jun 22, 2005
the girls are very pretty but the rainbow doesn't fit to the clouds and the clouds don't fit to the girl.
chisana Jun 24, 2005
Well, nice job, but the extraction could be better... Anyways, the bg is pretty and the girls are cute ^^
GuardianOfAnastasia Jul 07, 2005
Actually, I kind of like the clouds and the rainbow, but the cut could have been anti-aliased. One "quick and dirty" method is to use the blur tool on Photoshop (or any reputable imaging program), and blur the rough edges (which is, essentially, what anti-aliasing is, but on a much more complex scale).
I like the colors, the "cuteness" behind it, etc etc. Definitely worth saving to the drive.
summerkiss18 Mute Member Apr 15, 2010
Just want to say that it is really so cute...
merged: 04-15-2010 ~ 11:57am
Just want to say that it is really so cute... -
teito07 Apr 26, 2010
thanks a lot for sharing..
crazyinrag Nov 10, 2010
Figure it cute. Thanks for sharing.
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