
World's End Wallpaper: Broken wings of flight

Naoto Tenhiro, World's End, Nero Belutino Wallpaper
Naoto Tenhiro Mangaka World's End Series Nero Belutino Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is a wallpaper I made for my website [http://painted.xuki.net, see the watermark?] I'm not sure what the name of the character is, but it is obviously someone from World's End. I've added some light purple colours to match the girl, and even have one of my favorite lyrics from 'Savage Garden'.

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  1. sukie Jun 21, 2005

    nice...i love the scan. you used....
    very beautiful...the bg looks pretty plain...i think some brushes would be nice...
    great wall~~~~~~~
    keep it up!!!!!

  2. Andulien Jun 21, 2005

    Wow this looks really good I don`t think I can find any bad on that pic ;) The gril looks really cute with the bird on her arm and the bg color fits perfectly. And the tree there looks nice. thx for sharing it with us. See you around.

  3. kagoem Jun 21, 2005

    this looks really good . But the backgroud does seem a bit empty. But you did good on this.

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