It's like an iPod parody wallie, but with a bit more sparkle to it - nice work. Very pretty :)
Artist Comment
yeah... it's kind of hard to tell from the vector, but it's a vector of Minato Haruka (lighter character) and Yamada Jiro's sister (darker character). Anyways, after doing a simple vector of the characters I got the idea of wrapping them up in cords from the Skye Sweetnam song and music video "Get Tangled Up in Me." It was a pretty simple and quick wall. Enjoy!
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Saikusa Retired Moderator Jun 21, 2005
shyxsakura Retired Moderator Jun 21, 2005
i love the pinkuuunes .. <3
it's simple, but cute ... love the white strings ....
simple but cute~ great jobb~!
rocknroll-isgo Jun 21, 2005
Very nice vector work. I love the design. I have mixed feelings about the hearts though... hmm...
GundamZZ Retired Moderator Jun 21, 2005
hehee....thatz cute moo :D i like the clean lines and vector......
and it reminds me of an ipod poster of some sort >__> stupid apple doing a good job brainwashing us XD
Angelette Jun 22, 2005
Apple has sooo corrupted us. xD But I like this take on it... it DOES have more sparkle~
AnimePrinzess Banned Member Jun 23, 2005
o0o0o i like this one! cute yet very...practicle!
Quote by GundamZZhehee....thatz cute moo :D i like the clean lines and vector......
and it reminds me of an ipod poster of some sort >__> stupid apple doing a good job brainwashing us XD
my friend has one just like it but it is a wallpaper
she thinks her wallpapers are not good enough to be put on mt!
she made everything on her page..she does have PS CS! she made the pictures the images the bg the music but yet.... -
Amaranth Jul 25, 2005
omg..that was the song i was thinking of when i saw the wallie
it's so cool! love the colors too^^
same hearts all over X3 ....but i like the wires you made^^
and the font matches nicely^^ -
fennytron Aug 07, 2009
She isnt Yamada Jiro's sister, I know Tsukumo looks like Jiro, But She is Minato and Yukina (Tsukumo Shiratori's sister) , Minato is one of my female favorite characters, She is very sweet and good with my love Tsukumo. Im really fall in love with Tsukumo, Gai, Akito ad gavament, They are so so nice, I think Nadesico is the more bishonen anime ever I saw! with these characters and with Ken, Joe and Ryuzzaki on Gekiganger 3! Nadesico has really handsome characters, and I am mad in love XD, Minato was so nice with they, and Yukia is a cute little sister. I see myself on female charcters of Nadesico n.n =)
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