
Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpaper: Snow

Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Asuka Langley Soryu, Pen Pen, Rei Ayanami Wallpaper
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Mangaka Neon Genesis Evangelion Series Asuka Langley Soryu Character Pen Pen Character Rei Ayanami Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Nothing to say
Only Snowwwww :)
The White greenwood ^_^ Rei & Asuka wall
Trabajo con brushs, y una que otras tecnicas de degradado, el scan es de mi coleccion de recopilacion de pngs, no recuerdo mucho de donde lo saque.

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  1. fawna-chan Jun 13, 2005

    wow! it looks really pretty and i like the snow and the feeling i get from it in this hot hot summer heat is pretty cool...i like the trees and the image! pretty....

  2. WMagnus Jun 14, 2005

    Me encanta, ya el hecho de que ese Rei es suficiente para mi :D . Me encanta el wall, buen trabajo. TE felicito.

  3. Luze Jun 14, 2005

    i really like it :)

    aunque Rei & Asuka resaltan mucho parece que estan posando para una fotografia

    ya sabes con un fondo que parece real pero es falso

  4. Hideki313 Jun 19, 2005

    i like that ... the trees in the BG are well made ... and the characters are suiting this environment ^^ big thx for that!

  5. caido0913 Jul 16, 2005

    snow snow snow, i love the snow but hate it to go to skool. i just love the your wallie. nice job oon it.

  6. beyondmeasure Feb 01, 2006

    Good wallie; however, it looks like Asuka's a giant.

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