whoa.... hahaha.... got a shock when I saw it... didn't expect it ;)
Great use of brushes.... and the vectoring is really good :D
Man... this is cool!! :D XD XP
Artist Comment
I *had* wanted to name this 'The Great Flesh of the Earth', but the submission space was too small; to really understand the quote, you`d have to read the manga.
The scan originally came from the manga(and found by me on one of my obsessive image hunts); I simply hate it when perfectly good characters get shadowed, and Jashugan is certainly one of them. A cyborg man so good at combat that he is handicapped with one arm and STILL wins. He even beat Alita in a fair fight. At the last moment due to his mind breaking down under mental enhancements, he became a great flaming man, impossible to beat and incredibly strong; he tapped into 'The Great Flesh of the Earth'..then he died. Pyrhhic victories abound in this story..ANYWAY, enough ranting.
Now, the scan was kindly Vectored by Terra-Chan(*HUGS*), since I suck at it. She asked that I put this link in, , so I did.
I built this wall out of a painting of a martian landscape(I hope that qualifies as a stock photo..); added some clouds and played with them using dodge and burn tools, threw in some brushings with concrete textures, a couple diff grunge sets I like, some scratches, and some swirl brushes. Threw in a couple gradient layers too.
Jashugan himself I duplicated, blurred to get a sharper, 'larger' so to speak, image of him. Then I made three more dups, used wind from all directions on `em, and made them three diff colors. Some fill changes, and BAM. Colored Jashugan ;) I hope this is what Kuro meant by 'How you made your wallpaper'..dont wanna anger the Wizard of Darkness ;0
Thats about it..fulfilling my desire to see walls with lesser-known but still cool stuff, bandying about some more experiments, AND entering the contest. Aint I grand?
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kuroimisa Retired Moderator Jun 13, 2005
Terra-chan Jun 14, 2005
Wow It sure came out pretty darn spiffy~ The effects are awesome! Though I kinda feel it's a bit overdone... but that's just me XD I'm a simple person myself (as you can see by my entry, it's pretty simple, but that's just the way I work.) I'm really happy that you like my vector ^_^ I worked really hard on it! It was a really detailed image and I didn't want to lose that quality!
kara Jun 26, 2005
Hmm the first impression is good and you've chosen your colour scheme well. The grunge-scenic is quite effective for the feel that you're trying to create.^^
chibi-lizard Jun 27, 2005
mmm .. the scan itself suits the type of bg you made. the bg .. those cliffs, mountains, shady ground .. they set the atmosphere right for this scan. even those textures on the sky. the composition ish nice :)
the colors .. you pick the right choice of colors for the bg .. they go well with everything. and you even colored a lil of the scan. maybe the only problem was to leave some part of the chara white which reallie made him stood out very much. and it over-shadows the pretty scape in the bg.
overall .. i get the point of view that this guy ish somewhere in a desert area maybe .. with those humid weather and sandy mountains and cliff. those grungie textures emphasive more to the setting. maybe the thing which i don't reallie like ish the motion style awound the scan which ish very obvious on the head area. the rest ish nice :)
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