This wallpaper has a unique style which in turn makes it very nice to look at. Thanx for sharing this
and keep up the good work dude.
p.s Full Moon Wo Sagashite is one of the best anime and i urge every anime fan to watch it. XD
1024x768 Wallpaper
I <3 Full Moon wo Sagashite. (I was going to call this 'Blue Moon' but I guess that's the title of one of my other walls. Heh. Oh well. *sweatdrop*)
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This wallpaper has a unique style which in turn makes it very nice to look at. Thanx for sharing this
and keep up the good work dude.
p.s Full Moon Wo Sagashite is one of the best anime and i urge every anime fan to watch it. XD
Nice~I really like this one. thanks for sharing and I agree that Full Moon wo Sagashite really is a great manga that manga fans should read. You are able to download the whole series in boxtorrents.
wooww nice wallie!! I love blue , cyans and purple colors that you used on background and characters!!!! great job!!!
keep it up!!
aww....this one is so beautiful.
what a nice wall.
it look really good.
i like it.
nice cyan color on the scan!! pwettie scan too! i love the moon too! though the left part looks empty! try adding some nice looking stars and glowy stuffs! but overall nice wallie! ;)
awesome! this is one of my favorite images that you also looks good with all of the blue..great job!!
That's just gorgeous! I love how you added the moon in the background, cliche, but ya just gotta love things like that. <3
i like the style of it...
great work!!!!!!!!
the moon looks really nice!!!!!!!!!
oi oi oi!!!! nice wall!! i love the style you have going on here. very mellow moonlight feel ya got goin, very nice. great job!!
Very particular works !!
i like it! !!!!
Waouh *___*
i knew the original picture, but when I saw your wall ....
It's simply amazing, I love it !
The colors are marvelous !
Added to my favorites XD
Thanks for sharing it with us, and keep it up ! :D
I think that's a nice wallpaper
I love it,they're so cute
I love Fullmoon,great job
Thanks for pic ^^
I love this wall. ^^ I have seen alot of Full Moon pictures around, but I haven't read the manga. I want to tho. >> Anywho..Nice wall again.
really good. FMwS is not of my favourites, but this wall is really beautiful! I give it 9/10.
Keep up the good work. I think you may add some more stars or something in the sky because most of it is black. Anyway,
good wall.
WOW! This is a beautiful Wall...I am in love with it! *adds to favs* I love how you put all the shingami in the picture and have it all dark with the moon...neat Thanks for sharing
This simply rocks. I can't believe it's on the 14th page of the FMwS section..
This blue with some pale yellow is just great...
prettyy... the full moon is nicee too and so is how you composed the characters to the right in diff sizesss... it's an interestin take on it xp
looks nice.....
this moon is just awesome!
nice work on the wallpaper it looks really good :)
i love the colors and everything. its very awesome :D
Appears lovable and is lively oh also appears sad and is at a loss
well oh likes oh
*FAV* i love it! i like the coloring and the charecters! it's really cool, and the back ground is really cool! it has a very unique style and it's really awsome!
love it XD
Whoa... that's beautiful. *stares in awe*
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