Cutsie Wall indeed. :)
i like the simple design. The colors aren't so bright and glaring. So it works with the cuteness. lol
great job!!
I cant really sit here long, kinda in a rush so I'll make this description quick.
I found this image and thought it was way adorable, so I extracted it. Didnt really plan on making a wallpaper with it at all. Well I opened photoshop out of boredom and started messing around. A few hours laters, this is what I got :3
I really enjoyed adding the books and the little elemental symbols near them. Especially <3 the Ice Book.
Anyways, this was just something I was having fun messing with. Hope you enjoy my 'Cutsie Wall' :3
*edit* I'm noticing how a few people are mentioning that the clouds need more detail. Well, the detail was actually *taken out* on purpose. The character is a chibi character, adding clouds with too much detail only draws the attention to the clouds and away from her. Thats the reason for lack of detail ^.~
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Cutsie Wall indeed. :)
i like the simple design. The colors aren't so bright and glaring. So it works with the cuteness. lol
great job!!
wow . . . .
nice nice nice ^^
i love it > <
i've RO collection but, not more and i give it to speacial collection too.
Wooooooowwwwww es bastante bonito "Very Cute" me gusto mucho es realmente bueno
nice wallie........the bg looks wonderful ^^
hope to c more
Wow! Nice pic. You play Ragnarok? Me too! Anyways... I like the mage she's so Kawaii! :D
You have good taste....... Rok on! o_0
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awww its so kyute!!! i luv the sky, it fits nicely with the picturel. very nicely done suntiger.
nice colourfull wall =) like ragnarok ^_^ looks kinda simple...but ow well....
the clouds need more detail and....hmz...ow well....overall a nice wall ^_^
keep the works =)
the effects around the moon look weird.. somehow unnessecary.. >.< yeah.. the clouds need more work.. nice work on the composition ^__^ and overall a nice work ^^
Hi Suntiger! It's great to have you back. :) I hope school is wrapping up well for you. ;) Anyway, as everyone else has said this wall is very cute. You seem to excell at abstract backgrounds like that. ;) The little books are a nice touch, and I like the little elemental things you added around them since it makes the wall more interesting. :D
Aww! Its so cute!! I love the rainbows in the background, it looks almost dreamy like. Really good job. ^_^
so cute! I love the simplicity! the birds and the pretty lights are a nice touch.
Awww aint that sweet and the simplicity of the wall and i wish there was a smallcutesy character around her but noentheless great job! :)
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