
Fate/stay night Wallpaper: Rider Wall

TYPE-MOON, Fate/stay night, Rider (Fate/stay night), Magic Wallpaper
TYPE-MOON Studio Fate/stay night Series,Visual Novel Rider (Fate/stay night) Character Magic Meta

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This took me about 3 to 4 hours off and on from yesterday. It's really simple, but I think it works.

Rider, Circle, and Sky backdrop are all taken from the game CGs which I picked up over at Hongfire.

All characters and images and likenesses and all that good stuff are copyright their respective owners.

There is another image like this one here on MT which inspired me to try to make one of my own using that particular image of Rider. Many thanks to that person, even though I cant remember who it was right off the top of my head.

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  1. Spriggan Jun 09, 2005

    Woo I wonder why I havent noticed your wall yesterday >_< man , indeed , its maybe a bit simple...BUT , who care!! that seriously look superb! I love the atmosphere!
    sweet job.

  2. violina Jun 26, 2005

    I like the backdrop, dark and fitting for the wall. I really like the quote used.

  3. KassandraBlair Jul 29, 2005

    waaaaa this is so cool and dark!!! O.O I really like it!!! *fav* keep it up!!!! ^^

  4. SilentiumAeternus Feb 19, 2006

    Simple, but...it's one of my favs now! I LOVE IT! oo; <3

  5. onestepclosertonumb Feb 27, 2006

    Great ! It's simple but it's very very impressive ! Keep it up !

  6. StarMoon123 Mar 29, 2006

    Muy buena imagen, aunque es raro ver una posiciĆ³n como esa, cualquiera pensaria mal... n_nU

  7. Riccio Feb 09, 2007

    sooo dark... and cool! love it! love it! LOVE IT!

  8. email938 Nov 10, 2008

    dark and sexy. What else can you want.

  9. kaceloko Mar 07, 2010

    uy buena imagen, aunque es raro ver una posiciĆ³n como esa, cualquiera p

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