
Crossovers Wallpaper: :: ChiBi FeSt ::

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, OS-tan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Pita Ten, D.N.Angel Wallpaper
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Series OS-tan Series Fullmetal Alchemist Series Pita Ten Series D.N.Angel Series

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

~weeeee~ okie .. this wallie ish cawazie .. hahah XD umm .. actually this ish a banner i made for the group chibi-fest XD eheh .. but i made it in wallie resolution and i got kara's permission to submit it so here it ish XD

bwahahah .. umm ... i'm not nothing much bout this wallie .. just lots of scans throw in together. so actually it looks kinda messy and cawazie XD

err .. i'm kinda lazy to dig back for all those who provided those scans .. umm .. i'll do it later >.<

enjoy !! *skips off happiely* ^_^'

[edit] credits to scans
pita ten - aerith0530
d.n.angel - hontonikawaii
os tan - koujisama
gundam seed - darkmirage ( i actually got the scan for this fwom elsewhere :) )
suki wa mono wa suki dakara shouganai - melonprodigy (geez .. the name ish so long >.<)
galaxy angel - madmover
full metal alchemist - yamichan
mini chibi by both sides - hellangel
fruits basket scan given by my fwend .. dunno where she got it >.<

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  1. kai81220 May 29, 2005

    nice one ^^ even though they seems to be randomly floating around XD

  2. angeloflove May 29, 2005

    i like these anime characters here! so, how many anime characters r there? *i mean, the crossovers* +fave

  3. Rella May 29, 2005

    Ooh, that's so cute!! Ahhh....chibi-Kira looks sooo kawaii!! The other characters look so cute too....waaa!! This is going to my favorites! ^^

  4. Athrun May 29, 2005

    ...heh! That's pretty cute. XD Ace extracting btw, they're even stroked. (I think?)

    love the logo there. XD

  5. sillymoogle May 29, 2005

    so much to like in this colage of characters. nicely done. Now all we need is the Chibi Love Attack.

  6. diamarrr May 29, 2005

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ lizzie this ish goodie ^^ *rips it* ^^

  7. CLAMPchic May 29, 2005

    This is definitely a lizzie wall ;) It's really kawaii...I bet that you had fun finding and using all the chibis, ne lizzie? Lol, anyway, its kinda cute with all the random chibis...even if I don't know who they are. Good job, lizzie :)

  8. TracysKris May 29, 2005

    omg...kawaii!!!!!! all of them are adorable!!!!!!! i can't get over how cute it is...hehe definitely a fave of mine at least!

  9. Tatsuya May 29, 2005

    there look so cute, i would like to know how many anime chibi there!

  10. agneslee May 29, 2005

    :D cute
    all characters are get together.
    How nice.
    also I like the sky very much.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Ephemeral-Garden May 29, 2005

    AH!! Chibi attack!! (EG got stompped by all the chibis, thump thump thump) Yeah, so chibi-fest finally got a banner! And this wallie is a great one! It's chibi all over! And they're all so adorable~~ You're so good in managing chibi stuff, lizzie-chan. This reminds me of the M'sia Ragnarok Online website... hehehe.. where all of them are like this, randomly floating around the sky. Love chibi works! ^^

  12. DayBreak May 29, 2005

    LOL, i like this wallpaper cause of its orignality :3
    not to mention the wallpaper looks more like a offical logo o_o
    all hail! chibi!

  13. Sinistra May 29, 2005

    Very nice wallpaper all the chibis look cool ^_^ Keep up the good work ^_^

  14. ramchong May 29, 2005

    Very cute!!! sometime i hope to i can make some simple wallie too ... but i'm afraid my deadly lover (The universal most prettiest lover = Ms. Bot Chii) will look for me... (^_^)

  15. YugureKaze May 29, 2005

    so many chibi characters ^_^
    the characters all look great
    love the sky bg
    great work lizzie-chan!

  16. cygnus May 29, 2005

    Kinda hoping that I'll see you make this wall someday and now you've made it!! All chibis are cute, flying around and show us they're anime-family...^^...

  17. kara May 29, 2005

    Yay! Lizzie submitted it! Ehehehe, now it's big enough to go on my desktop too!! I really love how you made some of the chibis sit, stand and even sleep on the words, ish so cute!! Great work Lizzie-chan!!

  18. Criox May 29, 2005

    Haha! :D So kawaii and beautiful! XD U really like chibi-characters alot! Hehe! :nya: Well I do like em all too! U even put in one of my fav* characters; Al & Ed from FMA! Its a very cute wallie and whats more is this is the 1st time I see u making this kind of wallie! XD *2 thumbs up and fav* ;)

  19. tareren May 29, 2005

    WEll, this look so cute XD very cute actually, never know so many chibis are around in MT :) thanks for sharing ;)

  20. CleiraCravenLaen117 May 29, 2005

    ahh! kawaii desu yo!!! it's so cute... i was wondering when i'd finally see somthing like this... ahaha!!! so cute!!!

  21. rythem May 29, 2005

    omg isnt this the cutest chibi combination wallie~~XD
    nice one ne~^^ everyone looks uber kawaii >.<

  22. Rai1e May 29, 2005

    Waa, kawaii! love those chibis, you've done it very well, great job, cicak!

  23. yogatsu May 29, 2005

    soo cute! added on mah fav (mah first) *wink*
    loz...so tell me about this chibi fest group ^_^
    if you don't mind (" ,)

  24. Liz May 29, 2005

    I like it its so adorable i love the background too it goes really well altogether and the chibi forms are amazing there so cute a fav for me!! Excellent work

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