The background is awesome^.^ and so are those three scans. But i dont really know about the black bar on the bottom of
the wall. That doesnt really seem like it should be there.
Overall i like this wall^.^

1024x768 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Hey ^_^
I lave a lot time yesterday and I made this wall from Bleach. This is simple wall but I like this char on it : ) all
made in photoshop CS time about 2 hours and about 20-25 layers. I hope you like this wall
Cya ^_^
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toxictea23 May 26, 2005
Piotrek May 26, 2005
Really fine wallpaper Hix! I love Bleach. You did great with merging these scans ^_^ Background looks very cool. Nice job! Keep it up!
chibikko May 26, 2005
That's looks like Samanosuke's wallpaper o.o'' the concept is very similar. >>
Taurec May 26, 2005
Can't say it is one of your best ones, ... there is no need in putting out wallpapers every day. it could use a little more work and it's just too bad that you didn't use your full potential in this one.
THE-DARK-PRINCE May 26, 2005
Nice bg....
Like the effects...
Good work.... :) :D -
soujiokita May 26, 2005
Nice wall. Thre background has some nice colors and the scan looks nice. Thx for sharing. +fav
Kazuya-chan May 27, 2005
not bad , this is really good , thanks for shraing it ..........
Holt May 27, 2005
Nice background. And the scan's look well extracted although some edges are a bit pixelated and could use a bit of anti aliasing.
Nicely done. Keep it up! -
K1R31 May 28, 2005
nice work! I really love bleach. why ichigos face at the bottom and seems like he isn't important at that pic. Hix!
tokyo247 Banned Member Jul 30, 2005
oh!!what A beautiful picture!!i LIKE IT VERY MUCH because I LOVE bleach
recent! -
emac7 Oct 27, 2005
Wow awesome pic of Gyurenssei (I think thats how his name is spelled) anyway the old dude. He's definetly moved up my favorites list.
ELAINEDUDU Mar 05, 2006
nice work
Extremely magnificent!
keep it up...thanks for sharing...
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