Wow!!! sugoyi !! :o This wallpaper is really nice. Great job with the wings and bg. ;) I'm gonna add it to my favs coz they're so cute. :nya:

1280x960 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Hiii...i came back with a new wallie and i would like to share it with you and i made this yesterday to tell ya guyss =)
I should've submit it earlier though...*slaps self* This is for all my nice friends on MT!! <333 Anyway...took
me 5 wonderful hours to get it straight and ready... XD
Comments and favs are appreciated..yupyup thankies :3
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zaea May 24, 2005
Val3f0r May 24, 2005
It is a really nice wallpaper... it is really indeed lovely... its sooo pretty
The wings are really great and background... also the scans are nice... I think all in it are really fits together but one thing is try to improve the extraction... hehe :D I could see some are jagged ^^
But overall it is really great wallpaper to me :D
nolove May 24, 2005
woww, so cute >__<, that's so beautiful, 2gurls and the sight, so cutie^^
Jim3535 May 24, 2005
The wall is great. The only thing I would suggest is some blending / smoothing / anti-aliasing on the edges of the characters. It has a rough, jagged appearance. Besides that it's awesome.
bbls May 24, 2005
your wall is so cute! the background is very pretty and the wings came out very nice! :D
Sandra May 24, 2005
Hiii...i came back with a new wallie and i would like to share it with you and i made this yesterday to tell ya guyss =) I should've submit it earlier though...*slaps self* This is for all my nice friends on MT!! <333 Anyway...took me 5 wonderful hours to get it straight and ready... smiley
Comments and favs are appreciated..yupyup thankies :3
it's FOR ME TOO ! Elli your wallies are so great , i really love this one and your provious work too ! Angels looks so sweet ! Great job on the bg ! Just love it ! -
Kiako May 24, 2005
great wallpaper, the two girls are very pretty, i like their position. the effects you made are very good. the background suits them^^
keep it up -
moonstaru May 24, 2005
Cute wallpaper!!!!!
The bg looks great and the girls angels looks so happy!!!!!
I love the moon!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!+FAV!!!!! -
Yina May 24, 2005
it's a pity that this one only has got 9 comments.. O__O cuz you've done an excellent work on it!! the bg is really beautiful.. I like the earth and the clouds.. they really look great. and the bg fits well to the scan.. the girls are really cute^^ +fav
Lana3007 May 25, 2005
Ahhh! How cute! I just love the scan of the two girls and the background is really fitting too! Oh so cute!
Thanks so much for sharing! -
Phantasm May 25, 2005
It is an interesting composition. Though roughness in the line is regrettable.
Verbeek Jul 01, 2005
Whoa, Konomi and Akari. They look cute. This is a nice wallpaper!!
One more fav. -
sangel99 Aug 27, 2005
Very pretty Elli! ^^ I love it! It will be a future fav ^_^' I can't put anymore favs in for a week :(
kanok-t Aug 05, 2006
Wow ! This is a beautiful wallpaper , I like it , Thank you for sharing
nguyenhuy0906 Dec 23, 2007
Hey it's cute! I lkie it. Seems you hav mixed a lot of girls + the red theme's great! Wish you the best!
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