
Magic Knight Rayearth: Hotties

CLAMP, Magic Knight Rayearth, Eagle Vision, Lantis (Magic Knight Rayearth)
CLAMP Mangaka Magic Knight Rayearth Series,OVA Eagle Vision Character Lantis (Magic Knight Rayearth) Character


A lovely pic of Eagle with Lantis from Rayearth scenario collection 3. Thjey look a bit ambiguous here, but they're still hot. This scan is mine, fell free to use it as you like, but please lemme know if you redistribute it around.

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  1. KuroiTsubasa May 22, 2005

    Lantis!!! my MKR hun!!! O_<
    thank you very very much!! ^^

  2. godlyandii May 26, 2005

    ...I died a little on the inside. Too much drool, you see.
    Love the picture. I'm gonna go drool a bit more now.

  3. DanFanel Jun 04, 2005

    I like a lot that image!!!

    Its not yaoi, I like that ( I hate yaoi hahaha )
    thank you1!!

  4. chau-chan Jun 07, 2005

    omg!! I love this scan, they're sooo hot!! *add to fav!!* XD
    Thank you!

  5. Alissa Jun 08, 2005

    Thanks you all for the nice comments! I just love Eagle. Just a pity they're look like the gayest gay couple ever seen on da screen. Ja!

  6. Shkira Aug 22, 2005

    Rawr, they look good, Eagle especially. It's ok if they look gay, that's how a lot of us like 'em! ~_^

  7. Matsukaze Sep 18, 2005

    Nice couple scan (?)
    i think...mmm...the image is a little dark but it's ok
    I love it :nya:

  8. thamara2 Mute Member Nov 16, 2005

    thank you for this nice scan

  9. Tirdaelyn Nov 23, 2005

    Very nice image. They do look like quite the couple, but they fit. Nice image, thankies for sharing. +fav

  10. Alissa Nov 30, 2005

    Ahahaha, bishielicious, really. I really love Clamp fanservice. Thanks a lot for your comments!

  11. EntropicForce Mar 21, 2006

    Minds out of the gutter, girls...Lantis is just checking him for hidden weapons. Anyone who's ever been strip-searched knows it's not arousing AT ALL. ><

  12. Kishuku Jun 01, 2006

    Why aren't there more pictures like these around? XD
    I love those two, especially together, thank you so much for sharing this!
    I hope that you'll upload more of your collection ^.~

  13. KieraAnn Jul 16, 2006

    *drolls all over keyboard* OMG *gets electrified* *dies* *lives* That is just awesomeness, sexy! They do look a little too much like a couple in the pic dont' they? >_<' Still nice though, the artwork is beautiful, Eagle's expression is really wonderful. HikaruXLantis all the way! *coff* ok enough of my ranting, *dools all over Ealge as she hits the fav button*

  14. Jeanette Oct 18, 2006

    Lantis/Eagle <333333 How is this picture the least bit ambiguous? xd They are so gay for each other. Thank you.

  15. whirligig Jan 07, 2010

    Its nice scan
    thank you very much

  16. Ayase Feb 04, 2010

    ese pic me facina, pero nunca heleido un fic de ellos, alguien me puede recomendar alguno?

  17. Kimikochu Apr 04, 2010

    Lovely! Thanks for sharing~~! <3

  18. Pleasework5 May 13, 2010

    Thanks for posting it. Much love for Lantis and Eagle

  19. kabe9 Jul 03, 2010

    This picture Makes me think. ? x ?

    + They don't end up together in the series Lantis ends up with one of the female characters. < I wont spoil the ending with who it was.

  20. Gaburi Jan 26, 2011

    *w* Cute...
    haha, thanks for sharing

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