
Dragon Ball: Trop facile...

Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball, Kuririn, Member Art
Akira Toriyama Mangaka Dragon Ball Series Kuririn Character Member Art Source


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ok... just thought i'd submit one of my old pics... i still have around 20 old pics (that are not too crappy, otherwise i'd have about 50 XD) i still didn't submit, so i guess those are the ones you'll all see in the following weeks (that will give me time to draw some new ones XD) though i start working Monday, my free time will be limited now T_T

anyways, the older ones i have left are all either originals, or taken from Dragonball and Sailor Moon... >.< loll, this one is obviously Krilin... the title in French basically means : Too easy... anways, gotta go...

erm, i'll thank everyone for the comments and faves in advance, coz' i won't be able to do it personnally from now on... ^^ see ya all around!!

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  1. SilentMasamune May 22, 2005

    It's Krillan. Very nice, and do keep up the great work like always! :)

  2. tareren May 22, 2005

    Nice pic nice pic ^^ good expression on him there, but again you can improve on his hand (the one going up) >.< but I still think this pic is nice nonethless XD keep up the good work :)

  3. acid-awakening May 22, 2005

    looks real nice
    Thanx for sharing
    I Juz don't know what to say
    it's really good

  4. vampyre May 22, 2005

    :o this's good one :) umm...only on the pocket of his trousers, it must fit on his hand. But the other's all great on this work :nya: & how about his wife? No.18 i really love this character XD heeeeeehee

  5. DayBreak May 22, 2005

    lol its krillin! lol
    nice drawing.
    krillin was cooler when he was bold XP
    i love the shading, and he looks alot shorter O_O
    *thumps up*

  6. minimouzo May 22, 2005

    Quote by vampyrehow about his wife? No.18 i really love this character smiley heeeeeehee

    same here ^_^ don't you have a old work of no.18 ? ^_^

    as the others said it is a good work ^_^ and i like it. Great style as usual

  7. Drak May 22, 2005

    Aa, hair Kuririn.
    I hate his hairdo. He looks like in the manga though, so it's a really job well done.
    It's certainly a fav.

    P.S. I feel your pain if it goes for work. The whole, coming month will be only studing for me, I guess. :(

  8. Anjhurin May 22, 2005

    what i like in this pic is that there's the expectation of someone kicking him hard on the head just seconds after....... as usual :)
    anyway well drawn........oops encore en anglais ^_^. bon ben il a des cheveux, donc c'est plutot vers la fin? pas beaucoup de shading, mais le pantalon est bien fait (surtout les replis)
    good job XP

  9. sukie May 22, 2005

    Dragonall Z...i think i saw this series before...on tv...
    man your art is good...the hair is really cute!!!!!

  10. toujin1 May 23, 2005

    hahahaha this is so darn cute!!! i love how...compact he seems! great job aya san!!

  11. Yoh May 23, 2005

    Nice draw! Looks exactly like him, her face looks funny. I think that was from a tournament when he won a fight and made that face! Nice draw! :D

  12. skysong May 23, 2005

    haha, nice pic of Krillin! I remember that scene well, it was pretty funny XD Keep up the great work ^^

  13. calisqo May 23, 2005

    wow nice drawing XD
    lol looks really funny somewhat XD
    Comment just perhaps darkened the lines.
    Nonetheless i see it as a nice progress ^_^
    Keep it up

  14. Dragus May 23, 2005

    hahah nice job with Krillin the expression on his face and with the fist in the air hahh makes me laugh.

  15. Dragus May 23, 2005

    hahah nice job with Krillin, the expression on his face and seeing him with the fist in the air hahah seems like something he would do.

  16. Athrun May 24, 2005

    Heyaz Ayamael.

    Hmm... I'm not a big fan of DBZ, not only that, Krillan was the guy I hated most in DBZ. :P I also remember that posture. It was when he kicked some fat d00d's arse, in a tourney, I really didn't think he should have joined.

    But anyway, nice drawing it's very accurate and well done.

  17. Ying May 25, 2005

    looking back at your old work I think you improved a lot.
    the souijiro pics still the best! ^_-

  18. Holt May 25, 2005

    Nicely drawn.
    Well done. Can't wait to see more!

  19. kanopon May 27, 2005

    X3 It's a great drawing of Krillin from dbz!!
    I drew Android 18, Pan, Goku, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta.
    One pic for each of them then I stopped drawing DBZ pics... O_O

    Anyway this is a great doujin!
    I'd like to see more!
    Thanks for sharing!!

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