
Memories Off Wallpaper: Fond Memories

Mutsumi Sasaki, Memories Off, Yue Imasaka Wallpaper
Mutsumi Sasaki Mangaka Memories Off Series,Visual Novel Yue Imasaka Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

After 1 busy month, I finally got time to make another wallpaper. I've originally intended to just test some new kind of things, but since it came out better than I expected, I've decided to make it a wallpaper ^_^

Anyway, credits to Shinta (creator of those beautiful tree brushes) and stardusted (for the scan).


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  1. MS0B9 May 21, 2005

    Oh! Now this is a cute wallie! I love the background and the charcter is so cute! I lovey it very much! Adding to favs!

  2. EternalParadox Retired Moderator May 21, 2005

    This is very good. I love the purple in the back. hehe. And she's really cute.

    great job!!!

  3. Ichiru May 21, 2005

    The background is beautiful. The texture for the bark of the tree is really nice and the mountains in the background add a great touch. The fog is a nice touch as well. There's a very eerie feeling to this wall. The moon is positioned perfectly. The sakura petals almost look like glass, which adds a beatiful effect, but there could be a bit more coverage of petals on the tree since some places seem to empty to me. Anywhoo awesome job on this wall and keep up the good work +fav.

  4. lOvabLexanGeL May 21, 2005

    i love da bacground..its realli pretty...n da grl is really cute too

  5. sadakosumeragi May 21, 2005

    That is lovely. I love how the pink and blue look together, and the tree looks really nice.

  6. Chloe Retired Moderator May 21, 2005

    Wow! That is so pretty! I love the colors and the scan is awsome, as is the bg. Excellent job!

  7. KorganoS May 22, 2005

    It's a great job :)
    The background looks awesome... the tree is also very nice... (though, some of the textures look too brightened out...) .. I'm most impressed by the tree's leaves and the mountainous backdrop,... they look surreal.
    I think the right side of the wall looks a bit empty... it would be better to put some text in :)
    anyways... overall, it's very good.
    Keep it up!

  8. Rella May 22, 2005

    Wow, nice wallpaper! I really like the scan, the trees and the clouds. Well done! ^^

  9. MasterFoot May 22, 2005

    Great Colours, even from the thunmbnail. Very vute on top of that. Well Done :)

  10. RieRen May 22, 2005

    Nice wallie! I love the way you made the bg and the girl is pretty too :)
    Thanks for posting it^^

  11. moonstaru May 22, 2005

    Cute wallpaper!!!
    The bg looks great!!!!!
    I love the purple colors!!!!
    The girl looks so cute!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!!+FAV!!!

  12. sukie May 22, 2005

    man i love this series...
    the trees lookso reall...and the scan is so pretty...
    great i'm faving this...

  13. Acuni May 22, 2005

    nice wallpaper
    i like the girl and the background is nice to the trees are lovely
    hope to see more

  14. Kiako May 23, 2005

    nice wallpaper, the girl is very pertty and the trees behind he looks great.
    keep it up

  15. Luze May 23, 2005

    i usually like bright color, but this wallpaper has something that i like

    i dont know what (not only the cute girl :D )

  16. Zigoto May 25, 2005

    It s nice, thanks for sharing.
    I like the background.

  17. Cyruz May 30, 2005

    Oh man, this is awesome!! Looks so awesome and so cute, I gotta add it to my faves :D.

    Thankoooooo ^_^'.


  18. LordStyphon Jun 04, 2005

    Very nice. I like the soft colors here. The mist and the starry sky are great touches. Excellent work.

  19. leekheng Jul 21, 2005

    awwwww...so cute...
    very nice wallie..
    i love the scan/girl..
    keep it up..

  20. Play5 Oct 16, 2005

    This is a nice wallie! I love the background and the character is so cute :) :)

  21. EternalEthelion Feb 15, 2009

    a background can enhance anything greatly nice choice XD

  22. marie911g Dec 08, 2009

    nice color...lavander and d moon light

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