Wow, that's come bike there. Thanks for the cool scan XD .
*moves to the right category...tsktsktsk* XD
series: Eureka 7
source: Newtype 6/2005
scanned by: ANIMAPU
information below taken from AnimeNfo.Com
Title: Eureka Seven / Reverberation of the Psalm Eureka Seven / Kokyoshihen Eureka
Official Site:
Category: TV
Genres: Mecha, Science-Fiction
Year Published: 2005
Excessive amount of time has passed since the human beings were driven from the Earth. Looking for a place to live
peacefully, they finally found the Land of the Covenant. It was a desolate planet where the surface of the planet was
covered by the substance similar to the coral, and there was an unknown ion called “Traver� in the air. They
exploited the earth, and in order to use “Traver� effectively, they built huge towers. Under the towers,
countries were built, and unifying these counties, the United States of the Towers was founded.
Several hundreds years have passed since then. Renton is a boy who lives with his grand father in a Tower Country,
“Belforest�. He has a complaint about his life. He was the son of the Hero, “Adrock�, who saved
the world from the disaster, “Summer of Love�, at the cost of his life. It became the burden on him.
Furthermore, because his grand father is a mechanic, he has no choice but to take over his business.
Only his mental food is “Liff� which is a sport gliding in the air using “Traver�. He yearns for
Holland who is a charismatic Liff Rider, and he wants to travel around gliding Liff like him believing that a big wave
will come to him some day.
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Wow, that's come bike there. Thanks for the cool scan XD .
*moves to the right category...tsktsktsk* XD
oooo....who are those 2 girls on the motorcycle?
soooooo hot...................
thank for the scan !very good
newtype has some of the best cover images! wouldnt mind a full size poster print of this though
que fabulosa imagen.. me sacao .....thanks for sharing!
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