
Ragnarok Online: Ayame-chan :3

Ragnarok Online, Alchemist (Ragnarok Online), Member Art


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~~Eto.. unknown.. original.. or other? o_o (goes with original o.oa)~~

This is my most recent artwork of a character I play in Ragnarok Online. Her name is Ayame, and I hope to get her to creator someday >:3

Back to the picture.. I was trying a different line-art method with this picture, and I have to say, I'm quite happy with the outcome. This drawing took over a span of 2 days to re-line. But now I'm left with coloring it... Thats where posting it here comes in~

I'd be greatful if anyone has some coloring tips or if any of you know some awesome CG tutorials out there.

I've tried coloring this with an old way, but it came out looking like shes under a tree XD (not a completely bad thing I guess).. I guess I want it to look clean and more professional..

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  1. Yumi-Chan May 19, 2005

    ooo alchemist :D i don't really know how to play an alchemist XP its a miracle that you're still into RO.. i stopped since 5 months ago >_<
    anyways, back to your artwork.
    i think you can improve more on her body. her right arm looks smaller than the left hand's.
    her left feet looks extremely thin below @_@ other than that, everything looks cool. very detailed.. good work on the outlining.

  2. bucket-shot May 19, 2005

    Ooh~ funky. :D Lineart with the pen tool? I salute your patience. ^_^' The only thing I'll say is that the outlines of her hands are visibly thinner than the rest of her... Intentional, ne? But.. imo it still looks a bit strange. XD That said, it's very cool and clean, of course. ;) Best of luck with the colouring!

    Ah.. about the category thing.. XD I'll move this to Ragnarok.
    > Unknown = you don't know the series it came from (probably unapplicable for doujinshi ^_^')
    > Other = a series that is known, but not listed :)
    > Original = a character you've come up with yourself ;)

  3. OracleAngel Retired Moderator May 19, 2005

    Hey Suntiger long time no see here... :D

    Wow didnt know you drew but for staters its really good, though i dont knowabout coloring tips but all i know is if you already sketched the whole drawing you use colors with a hard light filter i think which makes it more do-able...Oh well good luck with that!
    Nice job! :P

  4. kai81220 May 19, 2005

    hey suntiger ^^ its been a very long time XD
    hmm the scale seems a bit off cause her shoulders may be bit large for her overall body size.
    lines are clean detailing is good too. nice work

  5. meteorcloud May 20, 2005

    nice nice suntiger ^^
    there are things you can improve ^^
    the hand can be a bit longer...not it looks like...uhm..=/.....just weird XD
    but nice artwork here, keep it up ^^

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