Cool color matching!!! both bg and scan blend wisely!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
here's another wall from me
hope you like it ;)
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Cool color matching!!! both bg and scan blend wisely!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
very very cool the scan is badass and the bg is cool as well
so good job 2 thumbs up :) :)
und ob wir es moegen die categorie von diesem bild ist uebrigens ragnarok online ;)
also zu deinem wall der hintergrund sieht grossartig aus du hast echt den dreh raus fuer abstrakte walls ich bin
begeistert was fuer walls du hir ablieferst nach so kurzer zeit ... nadann mach mal weiter so und ich warte mal weiter
auf mein wall von dir du geier wo bleibt meins ??? XP
Nice wallis.. but i don't like the caracter face.. i'm too exigent.. lol
the BG and the caracter body is pretty cool ;)
very nice effects used in the background
the scan is also very good
really nice work Kentaro :)
Very good looking wall, although, the image has some serious blur damage on her hand.
Its almost gone...
Otherwise good job :)
Woah stylish Wall from you^^
I just love the Background and the cute Girl.She has damn cool looking Wings.
The Eagle fits in very well.
Add it to my Favs.Thanks for sharing^^
Nice effect, but I think the color is too blended with the scan ^^ so maybe you could choose a different color :) but it's not bad at all :D
I just love this colors,love it.Going to my fav+Keep it up! :)
Wow! Excellent work! The background is awesome and the girl is really hot. This goes to my fav! Keep it up, Kentaro! :)
i love bg........ it's a turtorial yep? Can you give me lint to it or a direction to do sometinh like that?
Plase!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Realy great bg and nice wall :)
Nice one . i had to put that one on my fav's. your doing good keep it up :) thanx for putting it up.
Hi Kentaro!!!!!
very good work, i like very much the collors that you use in the background!!!
thanks for sharing!!!
see you my friend!!
Great wallpaper!!!!
The bg looks very nice and the girl looks cute!!!!!
Very good work!!!!!
Thanks for sharing+FAV!!!!
The background is well incorporated, and the scan you did looks really good with it, but I get the feeling that it is lacking action. But it still looks really good, the colors in the background and the colors in the character scan fit perfectly. Excellent choice. Over all an excellent wall. Love the design in the background. Keep up the good work!
Really nice wall, like the pic you used and how the bg looks, really nice effects! :D
whoa....... i love the background! and her wings look really raelly pretty!
thanks so much for sharing :D
very good wall indeed, keep it coming. live on!!!
Very cool, love the bg and the brushes you used. Very abstract.
good colour blend, matches with the chara
I like the effects that you have made with lights; it is a very pleasant view, good work.
very sexy angel , the overall apearance is higly detailed and i like it alot ^_^ great job hehe
A ave aofundo combinol bem com a imagem da mulher bem legal !
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