This is such a cool wallie!!! Look at the way he's staring at me..........and the background is just awesome!!! He being in the city................very very cool!!! Yay for grunge!!! Tahnkie so much for sharing such an awesome wallie with us!!! +favie The colors rockz!!!
Artist Comment
Yay for grunge! I personally love this wallpaper. I like the color scheme especially. The mood is very gloomy. I kept
having the song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Greenday in my head when I was making this.
Well, this took forever, but it was worth it. Many thanks to the guy who submitted this scan.
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Haia May 16, 2005
Ichiru May 16, 2005
I'm not sure if the city works well with the assasin, but everything else is great. The colors and lighting are awesome and the text fits nicely as well. Great job on this one.
ramchong May 16, 2005
Attractive cum impressive!!! i juz luv it!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Idril May 16, 2005
woowowwo nice wallie!!! I really like the red colors and city around him!!
Great work!!! kepp it up!! -
semanga May 17, 2005
great jop sweety i fall in love as i have see this great wall u did a great job
Skillzpay May 20, 2005
Cool scan and I like the overall concept here. The city backdrop seems to be overdone with the filters though. I can see some of the grunge and it's a good start, but definitely more grunge layers are needed to truly give it that "grunge" feel. Keep up the good work kiri-chan!
twinx May 20, 2005
I like how his chest glows so much. The city around him seems a bit weird, though.
Kenryo Sep 02, 2005
Woah, cool pic.
KingOfDice Nov 07, 2005
Awesome! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrggg! I want Ragnarok! The whole stupid money thing is driving me crazy! Sorry, did I go off again? I'm just getting reeeeeeeeealy tired of not affording all these great games! Anime and RPGs are my two favorite physical possesions on this earth. Ragnorok looks like a semi-perfect combonation of both... Anyways, sorry for bugging any/everyone seeing this (paragraph) comment...
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