
Tales of Symphonia Wallpaper: Mirror

Namco, Tales of Symphonia Wallpaper
Namco Studio Tales of Symphonia Series,OVA,Game

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

omg i lost my skillz >_<.. uhm ya, i made this wall not on my own computer, and it took my only 4 hours..i really dun like this wall..but..i luv colette ^_^. "Mirror" means mirror of colettes soul..aand..nothing special to say..shame on me~! ._.

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  1. OracleAngel Retired Moderator May 15, 2005

    Almost collage based in form, the colors are beautiful in style and pusazze! Though i wish the tales of Symphonia title could be fixed somewhere else, maybe near the "mirror" text it would blend better...ANyway great job and nice to see your back again! :)

  2. Kiako May 15, 2005

    the background looks nice, i like the composition of everything, except that there are maybe too much images of the girl everywhere.

  3. xianghuax May 15, 2005

    I like the colours ^^ it's so pretty and smooth XD It hink the text (Tales of Symphonia) should be in a different font style and a colour which matches the wallie itself ^^;;
    i really like the reflection XD it's so well done!

  4. Rella May 15, 2005

    Ooh, I love the soft colors, it's so pretty! The effects are wonderful too. Good job! ^_^

  5. lensterknight May 15, 2005

    I think it'd probably be better without the logo, personally... it's big and distracting.

    Other than that, I think it's a fine work.

  6. Yina May 15, 2005

    I like the colours on the bg ^^ they look so soft.. :nya: and the reflection is beautiful!! overall a nice work ^^

  7. Acuni May 15, 2005

    cute cute
    the colours are nice and the charas fit, the girl is nice to
    hope to see more

  8. Hideki313 May 15, 2005

    very sweet wall!
    Colette is not one of my fav charas but this wall is very great ... the Colors are very fine and the text is also very suitable!
    thx for that *fav*

  9. shirokaze May 17, 2005

    Very cute wallpaper!
    White and rainbow color is nice.
    But I think the title "Tales of Symphonia" doesn't suited with this wallpaper.
    BTW overall is great!

  10. happianime Jun 03, 2005

    I like the abstract on this. Colette's cute. Love the color scheme!

  11. KNTriforce Jun 03, 2005

    Not bad i guess. i really like the lighting effects though and collete is soooo cute! :)

  12. Pysiol Mar 15, 2006

    Wow, where did you find that image with colette? She looks so cute^-^. Great wall. I`ll add it to my fav:)

  13. Kyelor Sep 06, 2006

    It's not bad...Colette is so cute! The "Mirror" and "Tales of Symphonia" text on this wall seems a little out of place though. The text in the far background however that's melded in with the colors...I think it looks splendid! ^_^

  14. KnightLuna22 May 14, 2009

    Wow! I'm lovin' it so much right now! I guess it's because of the image of Colette that you used!

  15. AyumiNeko Jul 02, 2010

    I love the soft colours.It looks pretty. :3

  16. belzalute Feb 03, 2011

    collet is very cute but like the others said, it might look better without the logo

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