looks very nice. maybe you could teach me how to that sometimes haha. btw do you have those brush sets? i really want to get my hands on them.
Artist Comment
Hai..here's another Ruri Hoshino wall and another one of my painful extractions. The image came from here at MT and it was blurry and took a while to fix and extract. *sigh*Anyways, have fun and enjoy this wall. ^^
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dMp May 22, 2004
Osiris Retired Moderator May 22, 2004
oOOOooo cool effects :D
AoiDatenshi May 22, 2004
Nice Ruri wappie!
Meg May 22, 2004
extraction must've been a total pain @_@. nice wall
Shota May 22, 2004
heh, its really pretty and has a cool effect, that hair musta been a pain to extract
biriwilg Retired Moderator May 22, 2004
Hmm, nice smooooth background, looks nice with Ruri. So soft and pretty...*-*
cyn May 22, 2004
Waw, Sweet....
The colour match very well.
And, Salutation 4 a good job u've done 2 her hair XD *gg* -
EevaLeena May 22, 2004
My god.... someone actually extract this image!!! Congratulations!!!! When I first saw the image, I almost fainted... and told myself I'll NEVER extract it... It's a beautiful pix... but... the extractation..... sure made me banging my head on the monitor. anyway... good job, and it's a nice bg. I'm going to use it right away....
i-am-good May 22, 2004
Cool and lovely bg effects.
Xueli May 22, 2004
the background is amazing as always!
Noctum May 22, 2004
Great work on the character picture, but what's even more eye-catching is the awesome bg.
Good work. :D -
PP May 22, 2004
Great Walli. ;)
racistnameremoved Banned Member May 22, 2004
nicee.. i was waiting for this scan to be walled.. and u did an excellent job.. luv yur background.. its awesome
Kintarooe2k2 May 22, 2004
:) great job on this one !
danoz May 24, 2004
Whee, I like it alot! Wonderful background, you sure know your abstract :D
pjwin May 24, 2004
hair looks cool
DarkMirage May 27, 2004
Ruri = auto-win.
Nice wallpaper. :D
vanilla-n-ice Jun 16, 2004
i simply just luv nadeisco walls :)
Keltosh Retired Moderator Jul 02, 2004
Great as always zuri-chan
XDarkDestinyX Jul 03, 2004
The hair looks cool and the lights at the bottom looks great and add an effect~
zefiroN Jul 15, 2004
great wall as always, very impressive bg.
Gr33d Jul 28, 2004
WoW :)
Very good wall ^^
Ruen Aug 05, 2004
this wallpaper rocks
ryu1969 Mute Member Aug 06, 2004
Nice wallpaper!
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